Chapter 5: I Got Myself A Bad Boy

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Chapter 5: I Got Myself A Bad Boy

I barely had any sleep, my mind just couldn't shut up. I tossed and turned all night long. All that kept bugging me was his cold tone last night. I keep replaying the scene in my head like a broken record, trying to figure out what I might have said or did wrong but I keep coming up blank. My bedroom door flies open, revealing a hungover-less Connor. I guess I looked like a zombie because he took one look at me, his face fell.

"What's wrong?" He sits beside me on my bed, his torso facing me. His expression was neutral but his eyes says he was confused and curious as hell. Out of all my brothers, Connor is the most understanding and unbiased. He's the one I always run to when I was in a sticky situation and there were secrets between the both of us that we'd both swore to take to the grave.

I let out a long and loaded sigh, slowly sitting up in the process. "It's Eric. I don't know what happened or what I said that made him be so cold towards me."

He nodded his head and gave me a small smile. "Okay, let's start in the beginning. Every last detail."

And so I launched in the story, starting from the tiki bar to the part when we were alone at the beach. He only stayed silent throughout the story and an occasional nodding here and there. When I was done I waited for him before he shrugged.

"He probably felt rejected. You said he told the bartender he was your boyfriend and that he got acting cold when you got to the 'couple' part. Little sis, to his ears, that probably sound like you were casting him away. And not in the nice way. Like the straight forward 'I don't give a damn about you' way." he stated like it was obvious.

It took a long time after I thought back that it dawned on me. I was so stupid. I really sounded bad and guilt crashed on me. I groaned as I put my head on his lap. He was smiling widely at me and that irritated me. "What's with the face? Could you not see I already feel bad?" I whine.

He smiles down amusedly at me, which was not helping my mood. "I'm sorry but this is the first time I ever saw you looked so... crap with a boy."

I frown and gave him a weird look. "And so?"

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Katherine, this means you are becoming mature. This state you're in, it means you're growing up. Even you were not like this before. "

I wanted to burst into laughter. I wanted to laugh so hard but Connor's expression was dead serious. I gave out a shakey laugh. "What? You're serious?"

"Do I look like I'm not?"

I sighed. "Then what should I do?"

He simply smiled at me and gave me a hug. "See how things play out and talk to him. Clear everything out once you have the chance and tell him what you really want." he paused and leaned away, taking a look, "What do you want?"

I chew on my lip as I thought it out. Eric was the first one I felt live in. No matter what he does, no matter how small, it seems so special. But am I ready for another serious relationship after what Al– No. I'm not going there. Those are memories you locked away, Katherine.

"Connor, I-I don't know. He's the only guy I got this feeling with since... him." I confess quietly.

His expression darkens and his hands clenched into fists. "I swear I'm gonna kill that bastard once I see him again."

I shook my head, " Connor, stop."

He shot me a look and stood up, "Stop?! Look at what he did to you Kath! You were never the same again! Gone is the Katherine that was brave and fearless. He made you crawl into a hole, Katherine! A dark, fucking hole!"

Eric & Katherine (Completed, Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now