Chapter 14: The Media and The Confessions

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Chapter 14: The Media and The Confessions

"Remember to take deep breaths and smile, I don't want you looking like the Grinch on TV."

I rolled my eyes at my brothers who were hovering over me on my dresser. Ella had just finished doing my hair and make up, buffing and perfecting every inch of me for the much dreaded press conference. The photographers and reporters outside my house had dispersed over an hour ago, no doubt rushing to the publishing house Annie works for where the press con will be held.

"Ugh, don't remind me of what I'm about to do, Collin. I'm already nervous as it is." I stand up and straighten my dress, stepping into my shoes. I angle myself so I can see my hair. Ella weaved a waterfall braid on me and curled the ends of my hair.

Cole regards me carefully with a thoughtful expression. "We can come with you for moral support, Katherine." he reminds me.

My expression softens as I turn to them. "I'll be fine, seriously, guys. And I already know y'all are supporting me, plus, it's only a few questions."

They continue to remind of what I should and shouldn't do on the conference as I grabbed my purse which contained my cell, powder and lipstick, and a few candy mints that Connor insisted I bring. I walk slowly down the stairs where my dad and mom was waiting. My father and Kate had been working together to keep the media out as possible. I thanked God he wasn't angry at Eric, he even said it wasn't any of our faults. I teared up a little at that with my mom.

Dad hugged me hard and kissed the top of my head. "Just answer truthfully and you'll be fine, sweet pea."

I laughed a little, "Cole, Collin and Connor had already done a good job with that, Daddy. I think I've got it all, no need to worry yourself."

"You're my daughter, I have to worry about you."

Mom puts her arms around me and smiled, "Everything will be fine, you won't be alone."

I let myself be comforted with my mother's words. Yes, everything would be fine and I wouldn't be alone.

The chime of the doorbell breaks our little show of affection. Dad disappears to open the front door, only to come back with a handsome, mouthwatering, Eric. He was dressed in a long-sleeved, pale blue button down shirt with the first two buttons undone, a black, pinstriped blazer paired with dark blue jeans and formal shoes. His hair was unkempt, adding to his hot look.

I was frozen at the sight of him, my mind blacked out. My mom and brothers all acknowledge him. Finally, he smiles towards me, making my knees wobble.

Damn. He is hot.

Eric moves toward me and takes my hand, kissing my knuckles, unaware of my family's assorted reactions. His eyes never leaves mine as he plants another kiss. I bite my lip.

Oh my. "You are so beautiful, Katherine."

I feel my cheeks heat up. "Er.. thanks. You, um, look handsome, too." I stutter.

He smiles half-heartedly. "This will be over soon, just hang in there 'kay?"

I nodded. Eric turned to my family who were watching us, his expression solemn. "I am so sorry that all of you and Katherine got involved in this. I really am."

Dad gave him a nod and claps his back, "It's not your fault, son. We all know you wouldn't want this to happen."

I exchanged shocked looks with my brothers. Their mouths were hanging open, too. Connor mouthed, "Dad called him, 'son'!"

In our family, when Dad calls you 'son' and 'dear', it meant he really liked you. Dad using 'son' was very rare and when it happens, you cannot be mistaken that he's quite fond with someone.

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