Chapter 23: Admission

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This is gonna be shit ass serious... but I swear this will be the end of the drama.... I hope. :D ENJOY... ALSO, please look at my profile to see the cover of the sequel to this story.

Chapter 23: Admission

I was going nuts. I could just feel it.

Having two voices inside one's head is never a good sign, right? Yes, I think I have read it on an issue of Reader's Digest. Or was it Seventeen? Can't tell. But that's beside the point.

It was like the two sides of my brain are having a heated debate inside of me. One part says I should suck it up and tell my family and best friends what really happened that night, but one was telling me it was a wrong idea. Was it really?

I think I'm getting a migraine with all this thinking.

"What's going on in that crazy little head of yours, our dear sister?" Cole interrupts me from my mental nonsense, diving on my bed. Connor comes second opening the Xbox, Collin carrying a bowl of cookies which, by the way, I didn't hesitate on taking a few.

"Stuff." I answer vaguely.

They all snorted at me in sync. I pouted. "Please, you don't do vague, Katherine. It doesn't suit you." Collin said.

I slowed my chewing. This could be it. This could be the time where I can leave that dark chapter of my life. Cole looked at me weirdly, so I took a deep breath and said, "I think it's time for a story. Can you get Mom and Dad, please? I don't want them missing this."

The three of them looked suspended in time, like they knew what I was going to say. Cole shot up before I could blink again and was running down the stairs like crazy. Connor ditched the gaming console and sat carefully beside me. "Are you sure about this, Kath?"

I shook my head, "Don't even let me think, Connor."

Our parents were through my door in record time, panting. My usually calm and collected mother looked frazzled. It's a wonderful first to behold.

Dad hovered over me, sitting on my desk chair, looking more concerned than ever. "Take all the time you need, sweet pea. We'll understand."

I nodded and took another deep breath, choosing my words carefully. I fought the clouding in my eyes, letting myself remember that one awful night that marked me for all eternity.

"He... Alex, I mean, started acting all weird before this one date he took me. It was the time when things were official with us. He snapped at the waiter that was serving us because apparently, he was eyeing me. At first... I thought it was a normal reaction. I mean, acting all jealous. I assured him many times, but it seemed he was second guessing. The days progressed and his...paranoia was worsening. I was beginning to get scared of him, but I pushed it all aside in the name of love."

By this time, tears were already threatening to spill, and this time, I was ready for them to fall. Telling my story, it was a mark of how brave I am, that I endured all the mishap life has thrown at me.

I reminded myself I was a warrior.

"That was strange. My gut was telling me that shit was about to go down. Ella and I got ready for the party and I tried to act as normal as I could. I remember that my stomach was churning every step I took closer to that door that revealed Alex on the other side. Ella, always the observant one, finally asked me what's wrong, but I shrugged it off and just said a lame ass excuse. We drove to the party, but Alex was acting like he was before again. He was chatty and carefree, smiling happily. I thought that everything was gonna be fine, so I ignored my instinct. Now that I think about it, my instinct had not failed me, I need to start listening to it..." I trail off, thinking back to when we were boating at the canals in Amsterdam.

Katherine, back to the story... My subconscious chastised.

Oh right. "We danced a little, Alex kept me close. He kept drinking and socializing with everyone that stopped to talk to him. Then at some point, when the party was already dwindling down, he said he wanted to take me somewhere...a surprise for me. The churning went up a notch, but I told myself my fears were ridiculous. That I was being ridiculous. He said he already told Gab where to find us so they won't worry, I relaxed a little at that. Maybe because I know someone will come and rescue me if things went bad.

We started walking away from the party... to this big warehouse, the kind of where it looked cool and not at all creepy. The one in those movies. I was confused when I only saw a lone chair in the middle of the warehouse. That was when I felt sick." I gasped..

No, no, it is too late to go back now, Katherine. I wipe my tears away and steadied my heart rate. Ignoring all the tear streaked faces in front of me, I continued.

"He bitch slapped me. Hard, with the back of his hand. I was in too much shock to fight back. He began going on and on about me flirting with other guys that night while he kept punching me. He was....unstable. One minute he was shouting furiously at me, and them he was soothing me the next. At one point, he straddled me... I was so close to being raped if I had not fought him. I managed to hit him with the chair repeatedly, but I was still too weak and my muscles protested. He gave me a kick on the side but before he could land another, the Triplets had already ripped him away from me. I can vaguely recall that part... then the next I know, I was already in a hospital. Well, you guys were there for that part. I don't have to tell you..."

Collin passed around the Kleenex, and we all made loud, ridiculous, disgusting sounds as we blew our noses. Mom stood up and hugged me, doing another wave of wailing. I pat her back. "Oh, sweetie! I love you so much. We love you so much."

I smile and whisper back, "I know, Ma. And I think its what's keeping me from being suicidal." That made her cry harder. I look at my Dad for help but he just sniffs and kisses my forehead. When my mother finally let go of me, I was crushed my my brother's arms. I let myself cry. They were my saviors. Along with Gab and Ella, they saved my life. They saved me from myself and pulled me back when I was tottering on the brink of insanity.

And I was glad for them. I thanked God and my lucky stars for the first time since the incident. Now I was happy that I am surrounded with wonderful people.

Only one other someone missing...

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