Fun Facts

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Here are some things I shall divulge to my beloved readers. :D

This story was supposed to be titled "When She Cries". The plot was completely different and it was a whole lot more drama-ish. Katherine was originally named 'Kai' who was numb of the human feelings and Eric was originally a businessman that was very troubled and sad. It was so depressing I changed it. Haha.★

♪All of this plot just came to me as I was daydreaming. I have this really big Cattleya notebook where I put all of basic facts about the characters, their pasts, age and whatnot. I scribbled for about five hours and then I realized I was ready to go and write.♪

♥Gab and Ella are two names I took from one that I was supposed to use on Ella: Gabriella. They were supposed to end up together but it was not only at the chapter I captioned "Looks can be deceiving", I realized Eric needed a guy best friend.♥

♣This story was supposed to only be 14 chapters long. I had written everything down but changed it multiple times over the course of the story. Also, Eric & Katherine was supposed to be 7 sets of books. It was crazy, and I just realized it was very hard to write those many. I didn't know how J.K Rowling managed. But whatever, I was still delusional then.♣

♦Did you remember Eric's mother? Hang on tight to her. ;D She'll be a shocking revelation to everyone. Okay, I'll let you in on a little secret: Katherine's mom knew Eric's mother. Cue gasps.♦

♠SPOILER FOR NEXT BOOK: Alex will be a vital part of it. Some of you guys said that Alex didn't make an appearance in this story. So now you know why.♠

‡I didn't really plan to add the bit about Adria and that Eric almost got her pregnant. I just really had to make them fight.‡

And lastly,

∞Eric and Katherine weren't supposed to end up until the second book. I originally wanted them to have a big spat and figure that they were not meant to be until in the second book, they meet again and they just happened. I AM SO CRUEL, I KNOW. THAT IS WHY I DIDN'T PURSUE IT.∞

Once again, I thank you guys for all your support. For the mean time, read One Friday Night. Its a lot more quirkier and a lot of swearing happens in that story. :D until March 25th, people! Keep watch!

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