Chapter 6: Version 2.0

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Chapter 6: Version 2.0

Don't get me wrong, I've been kissed many times. I had those usual make out sessions that happens when I got drunk, got hit on by a hot guy or just got bored. I kissed and dissed, I was a player. But that was it, a was.

So what is the big deal of me getting kissed again? Truth is, I have seriously no idea. My body felt tingles all over, my heartbeat was running an endless marathon, and I felt giddy inside. I was floating on air. I wasn't paying attention to the small talks on the table. I picked on my food, ignoring him in front of me. My senses were heightened as I feel his gaze on me. I know if I looked his direction, I'd have a hard time looking away and not make a fool of myself.

But those lips... Those soft, yet firm lips that was against mine not an hour ago. He made it special, though I would have loved a heads up. There he was, eating, joking and talking to my family, acting like nothing happened. Sigh, men are really from a different planet.

"Earth to Katherine!"

I jerked upright, sending my fork flying and hitting Eric on the forehead. I glared at my brothers. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Eric!"

Eric only gave a half hearted smile, "Guess I deserved that."


She's been very quiet all through dinner, she had that look that tells you she's deep in thought. When we finished dinner, I thanked Katherine's parents for the dinner when she came up to me.

"I need to talk to you." she said quietly. I looked at her expectantly. She rolled her eyes as she tugged my wrists up the staircase. A smirk formed on my lips.

"No, Katherine. I'm not going in your room!" I shout. I watch as her face turns to red and her eyes widening.

"Damn you!" she cussed. She sped up the steps.

"Be safe, honey!" her mother called from the living room.

"Um, close the door, sweetie." her father added. I snickered and closed her door behind me. She had her head buried under her pillows, groaning. I took a minute to look around. For one, every inch of her room was covered in pictures. It was from her family down to any random stuff. Looking at it, I realized I was seeing things through Katherine's perspective. It was where everything was more beautiful and in focus.

"Ugh, I hate you. I can hear my brothers betting on us now." she groaned.

I leaned on the door, amusement taking over my face. "Mm...hate. I know you don't hate me. In fact, just the opposite."

She looked up, glaring at me, making her eyes burn a brighter and a deeper shade of green. Her hair framed her heart shaped face making her skin glow. "Quit the fucking act, Eric. I know you are hurt and acting on your emotions and I am sorry for that. I did not mean it to be construed that way."

I took a deep breath to the nose. She was really pushing my feelings to the limits, had I not dropped enough hints that it was a sore subject? But then, this was Katherine I was talking about. And I knew with one look at her face, I had no other way to dodge this but to get it over with. "Fine, you wanna talk? Lets talk."

She seemed pleased about my answer and gestured me to sit on the desk chair in front of her. I rolled my eyes and grudgingly obeyed. "First things first," she looked at me pointedly. Like the one you get from a lawyer who was questioning you. "why did you kiss me?"

"Because you keep over thinking things." I deadpanned. She frowned at my answer. I cut her off before she retorted back. "Don't even bother saying otherwise, Katherine. Your mind goes like a live wire and I swear I can see the gears in your head turning right now."

Her frown turned into a scowl, she crossed her arms and pouted. "I am a woman, I'm renowned to do things like that. Its in my nature. But I can't understand why you had to kiss me just because 'I over think things'" she air quotes.

"The kiss is as literal as I feel, Katherine. Its as simple yet as complicated."

Her head snaps up, wonder in her eyes. A sheepish grin carves on her mouth. I rolled my eyes. "Really?" she breathed.

I feel my ears turning pink making me groan in embarrassment. Her tinkling fits of giggles resounds in the room, making me even embarrassed than necessary. I swear, this girl bruises my manhood.

"Your disguise has been officially blown!" she chuckles.

I scoff at her. "There was no disguise to begin with."

Her hand covers her mouth trying to hide a smile. "Then what's with the bad boy get up? What are we, back in high school?"

I had to smile at that. As I thought about it now, I acted really immaturely. Though I had 'Eric Version 2.0' on, I felt renewed and live. "Admit it, I look hot." I teased her.

I gave out a loud laugh as she looked away, turning red. Finally, she gave up holding it in and she smiled. "So, you back now?"

I gave her a half smile. "I may or may not keep the get up, though."

She nodded her head. "You look way hotter."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise at her boldness. I guess she didn't really meant to say it out loud as she turned red again. She cussed under her breath and stood up. "That's it. I'm seeing you out, its late." she declared. I chuckled a bit and sighed. We made our way down to to living room to bid her family goodbye. I noticed that her brothers were watching Katherine walk closely. We stopped in front of my sleek, black Ducati and I sat on it, holding my helmet.

"Drive safe. Text me when you made it home in one piece." she joked.

I smirked at her, "You're not worried are you?" I jokingly said.

"No, I just don't want to be called by cops telling me you managed to land yourself in the E.R." she said nonchalantly.

"What if I did land myself in the E.R.?" I said.

She just rolled her eyes and grabbed the collar of my jacket, kissing me full on the lips. She pulled away before I could respond and laughs as I pout. "Go, before my father decides to chase you with his shotgun!"

I shot her a wink as I kicked off in to the night.


I walked back to the door as he sped off down my street. Mom and Dad must have retired already to their rooms and as for my brothers, eh. They're around here somewhere. I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth. Glancing at the mirror, I saw a different person. The woman staring back at me had wide, glowing eyes and hectic spots of red on her cheeks. I turn back to my bed and felt my exhaustion take over.

And all I could see was Eric's beautiful, smiling face.

Ahhh... Still crappy, I know. The flow is a bit slow too, so forgive me. Next chapter will be better, hopefully.

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