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Before I proceed in giving you the Epilogue of Eric & Katherine, I want to remind you guys that there will be a sequel. I know I said there will be a twenty five chapters, but I changed my mind. This is now the Epilogue. Save the date for March 25! and the title will be Eric & Katherine: The In Between. :D After this chapter, there will be a fun facts!

This is dedicated to my silent readers and to those who makes my day with their comments and votes. I would never have gone a long way if it weren't for you guys.

Without anymore delay...


It's funny how I found love at somebody's wedding. Where it was a milestone and starting point of two people's lives together.

It was hilarious that only a few months ago I was a nobody. Well, not technically since I am pretty known in the sports I do, but you get the picture. Now, I am dubbed as the 'Genius' Muse'. Eric had just released Lonely Picture's sequel, Dark Room and it was instantaneously successful. Dark Room now has something the first book has been missing. Love. It's still weird that the press still follows me wherever I went. In fact, I was now on first name basis with some of them. I had been invited to guest in a few talkshows, all of them were interested in Eric and I's love story.

Everything was going well with everyone. My brothers were still a bunch of playboys and my mother and I still worry that they won't settle down. Dad says it was impossible because he claims he was just like them before but still found himself shackled up. Mom almost burst a vein at that while the triplets fake gagged.

Ella and Tristan were going at a steady one month now, which is a feat for the both of them who hops from partner to partner. Ella has confided with me once that Tristan brought the subject of marriage up once. Let's just say that I will surely be Ella's Maid-of-Honor soon. Eric was happy for Tristan. He said it was about time he grew up and ditched his old ways.

Gabriel is now the President of his family's business and was now travelling around the world to oversee the company's assets. We don't see him much now but he does call every week. Plus, he said he will be bringing us home with lot's of goodies from the places he's been.

Kate is now three months pregnant and is constantly whining that she's getting fat. Celine threw a remark that said that if she didn't eat as much, she wouldn't be a whale. Kate just wailed louder and now no one of her siblings stay with her for long but I am astounded by Ash's patience with his wife. You could see that despite Kate's craziness, he loves her unconditionally and I think that alone keeps him from going insane.

Annie is very busy this time. As Eric's manager and editor, she is always planning book signing and events. I've been to a charity gala as his date one time and decided that the grandeur of it was not for me, but I also said I wouldn't hesitate to join him if he asked.

Celine still teaches high school students and has just recently announced that she was engaged with her co-teacher, Jake Mitchell. Eric's protective brother mode kicked in instantly and interrogated the good looking, thirty-year-old who was sweating bullets all the while. I just bit back my laugh, Eric wasn't even that intimidating. Celine asked me to be one of her bridesmaids along with Ella, and we happily agreed.

Nathalia recently gotten a new job as a librarian. Despite her dyslexia, she was working hard to really push through and was getting way more friendly with her co-worker and tutor. Eric didn't give a fit at that. He said what was important is that Nathalia is now happy.

As for the Twins, they were getting famous of modeling and still being the gorgeous, crazy and spontaneous girls they were, giving Eric a headache when they introduce a new boy every weekend. Bonnie and Althea found love though, and I wouldn't be surprised if I am also going to hear wedding bells from them soon.

Adria and Martin got married in Russia and was now Mr and Mrs Gale. She sent us a photo last week of her and Martin in the reception of their wedding, accompanied by a letter thanking us for everything. Adria was now also running the family business, and admitted she was madly in love with her husband. I didn't doubt that because that time I saw them together, there was no mistaking it.

We were all living happy and content lives and that was all I cared about at the moment.

"Hey, baby doll. You're home." Eric says, cutting off the engine. I blink back to the present and see that we are now parked at the house I grew in. Eric unbuckled his seat belt and pulled me to his lap, making me grin.

"Naughty, little—" I didn't get to finish my sentence as Eric kisses me fervently. I respond in the same passion, clutching his head closer to mine. He kisses my neck to my shoulders and back again, giving the both of us time to breathe.

"You kiss me like that but still refuses to make love with me. What the hell is wrong with your man parts, Eric." I say, accusation clear in my voice. Eric sighs exasperatedly.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you have to marry me first?"

We have had this argument many times, and usually, I was supposed to be arguing his side and not the other way around. I pout at the mention of marriage. "What's the rush, Eric? This isn't the olden age."

He raises an eyebrow at me, "What's your rush? And I am very well aware this isn't the olden age. You wouldn't be sitting here, straddling me in a car parked outside your house if it was."

I sigh and gave him another kiss. "I have to go. Dad will have my ass if I'm not through that door in five minutes."

He grins and pecks me once again. "John is just afraid that I'm already bringing up the prospect of marriage."

I roll my eyes and got out of the car. Leaning down on the opened window, I gave Eric one long, hard kiss. "See you tomorrow, babe!"

"Bye, baby doll! Dream of me!" he shouts. I was already by the door when I call back.

"Tough luck, sweetheart!" I wave goodbye and watch as he drives out. I head in to the house, Dad appearing by the little foyer.

"As you can see, we haven't gone off to Vegas yet." I took off my heels and picked them up. Dad just grunts in response, entering his study again.

I tread up the stairs to my room and dart to my dresser. I was taking off my earrings when something caught my eye on the mirror. Stuck on it was a blue Post-it! note with a penmanship I knew too well. I feel my heart racing ahead of me as I took it and read.

Twinkle, twinkle, Katherine. Twinkle, twinkle

I back away slowly, dropping the note. My back hits the wall and I sink to the floor, my knees giving out.



I am so cruel. I know. But it will get you reading the next book, so its not over yet. I will be posting the fun facts in a few minutes. :D

This will be all for the first book of Eric & Katherine's love story. Follow me to know when I post the sequel!

I love you all guys! MWAAAAAAH!

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