"Oh well, you did almost killed him there. And the first time I told you, you didn't'
"Well I did the second time. Should be good enough."
"Uh should it now?! You promised me that you would listen to me." she said and turned away and started to walk away
Emma walked after her and grabbed her arm turning her around "Ok fine I didn't listen to you. Yes I hurt him pretty bad and I am happy with it. Do you really think Henry would still be so happy with Hook if he knew about the last two times"
Regina angrily janked her hand away from Emma's grip ."He won't know, he doesn't need to know, his life is mess enough because of us."
"Everyone's lives around here are messes. And it's not just because of us. But what if he does someday find out? Or what if Hook gets out? What if he hurts Henry? I never wanted Henry seeing him in the first place and that's why I was so mad at you when he said he could see him. You didn't listen to me then, and you are mad I didn't listen to you now"
"We made that choice together at the end, you could have deny him if you would have wanted. And you know he wouldn't hurt Henry, physiclt he had't hurt even you. I'm the only target he aims to hurt. And if he does find out, then he'll live with that fact and it will chance the situation"
"No you told Henry he could see him before I had a work in it. Yes you are his target. He is going to keep trying to hurt you. If Henry finds out I hope he never wants to see Hook again cuz I will make that happen "
"Yes I did, but you did give in even that I made the choice. And if Henry desides that, I have nothing against it, I'll only be happy to get him out of my life."
"We could get hook out right now. Why not make Henry forget about hook"
"Pull years of memories out of his mind, and he has lot of them, an there's quite many of them, how are we supposed to replase them? And what to do when he hears someone talking about him, and doesn't have no idea what they are talking about. and even that I now hate to admit it, he once was part of his family"
"Can't you just make him forget that he likes to go see him? Or maybe it is time to just tell him this is enough."
"No I can't, messing with feelings is not exactly wise. And of course we could told him that, but what do you think will be his respond?"
"He won't be happy with us. But we are his parents, and we can deside that."
"And do we want to deal with the aftermath, that will last who knows how long, his life?"
"He would eventually understand"
"How can we make him understand our desicion?"
"Tell him the truth"
"So are you actually going to tell him that I was raped twice?" she said tensing a bit
Emma closed her eyes and put her fingers through her own hair "fine. Let's leave things as they are"
Regina didn't say anything she jusg walked away, she had used too mu h energy for rhis
Emma sat down in a chair with her head in her hands
Regina walked outside and took deep breaths. She wanted to tell Henry and say he couldn't come to see Hook any more, but she didn't want to do that to Henry.
Emma sat there just trying to think of something. But she also had hooks words going through her head from the day before about when Regina always leaves
Regina magiced herself back to the forest where she could be alone. She left her car keys in the car so Emma would drive herself where ever she wanted.
Emma eventually left the hospital and couldn't find Regina. She drove her car back to the mansion then went home
Regina was sitting in forest, tired and still bit angry. She hated to fight with Emma. Her meds had started to wear off again, but she couldn't care.
Emma sat at home finally calming herself down but was not upset about fighting with Regina
Regina sat there playing with small fireballs on her fingers. It was one way to calm herself, she liked how the flame danced on her hand. It was taking energy but she just kept doing so. She really did hated fighting, especially when their subject was Hook.
Emma just sat for a few hours watching the clock. Then she texted Regina "hey"