Missing them

883 31 6

They keep laughing and playing games. They looked so happy.

Soon we go to a three player game so I can join in. As I was the little one in the middle, I heard them making jokes, there were hilarious. I actually laughed at some and even joined in and made jokes of my own. They actually found it... FUNNY! I was surprised and I was actually having fun! Soon we took a break and went to go eat. There food was outstanding!

We returned to our games and as we were having fun, I felt overwhelmed. A bit to overwhelmed that I felt like crying. I went to our table and tried to calm down. I have never felt so loved or had so much attention ever in my life! It was just to much for me. Wario And Waluigi actually came to me and sat with me. Like a real family. They talked to me and made sure I was okay. I told them that I just felt like it was to much. So they took me home. I went to bed and I actually missed them.

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