Peach, Daisy and the Waluigi Wanna Be

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Me, Rosalina, Wario, and Waluigi were walking down the street towards a gigantic pink and white castle that was surrounded by flowers and some watchdogs in the big backyard. "Here we are!" Rosalina said, throwing her arms in the air. "What are we doing here?" I asked as I tilted my head and squinted my eyes at the big castle, that was now blocking the bright afternoon sun. "Well, Luigi, I'm glad you asked!" "You are?" "Yes, we are here to get Princess Peach! Since she is so in love with Mario, I thought she could help. And besides, I am very good friends with her. She needs to return me a favor." I just shrugged and followed her with Wario and Waluigi following me from behind. Then all of a sudden, they stopped following me.

"Uh, Wario, Waluigi, you coming?" They just stood there trembling. "N-no, you see, we recently got banned from being in Peach's castle. You see, last time we were here, we weren't very nice 'house guests'." "W-Weh" Wario said. I face-palmed. "Fine, but you guys stay out here, we wont be long." They both nodded and stood still as a stone.

Rosalina went up to the large double doors, and knocked loudly. The doors opened, and there standing was Princess Peach. "Peach!" "Rosalina!" They both hugged as I stood aside awkwardly. "So, Peach, remember that favor you owe me?" Peach thought for a while. "Oh! Yes! Why?" "Well I need that favor now. You see, Mario got captured by Bowser, and he needs our help!" Her eyes widened. "Well we cant just do this with me you and Luigi! We need help!" Then I interrupted. "Well, we also have Wario and Waluigi."

Peach raised her eyebrows. "Wario and Waluigi?", she asked. I smiled nervously. "Uh, y-yeah! They're actually waiting right outside!" "Well, if they want to help, then I guess it's fine." 

She changed out of her dress and into something more adventurous  and we went back to Wario and Waluigi. 

"So, Peach, Who did you have in mind that could help?" "Well, Rosalina, I thought that we could have my dear cousin,  Daisy, to come help us." my eyes filled with joy. "D-did you say, Daisy?!" I asked with excitement. Peach smiled. "Yes Luigi, yes I did." The love of my  life coming on an adventure with me, this was surely going to be fun. 

We arrived at Daisy's Castle. Peach went up to the door and was about to knock on it. "Oh wait!" I yelled, "What is it, Luigi?" Peach asked. "Er... uh, could I knock?". Peach smiled at me. "Of course you can." She stepped away from the door so I could knock on it. I knocked loudly, since it is a big castle, I wanted to make sure she heard me. We heard footsteps coming closer to the door, then it opened. "Luigi!" "Daisy!" We both hugged. "What are you guys doing here?" "Well, Daisy, we need your help. Mario has been captured by Bowser, and we need to go save him!" "Well Mario is my sweet little Luigi's brother, and I will do anything for Luigi. So I'm in!" "Great! We should get one more person. Someone small maybe. Just so they don't get hurt so fast since they aren't so big, they wont be such a big target!" We all looked at Wario. "What? I'm not that fat." 

Waluigi seemed to be thinking about something. "I got it! How about we get Bowser Jr." We all looked at him with confusion. "Uhh, why?" I asked. "Well because he really likes me for some reason. He tries to do impressions of me and when we race in Mario Kart, he always goes 'Wah', he even has a costume of me!" We all looked at him with weird expressions. "That's disturbing..." Said Rosalina "Yeah, but he's good. He's also Bowsers son so he might come in handy."

We all agreed and we went off to get Bowser Jr.

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