Bowser Jr.'s Box

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We came to Bowser Jr.'s uhh, Box? I knocked on the box. "Uh, Hello? Bowser Jr, are you in there? I'm here with Rosalina, Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi." The box bounced up and Bowser Jr. came popping out. "Did you say Waluigi?!" He said in his high pitched annoying voice. "Uh yeah, He's right over here!" Bowser Jr. Looked around our little crowd. Then he saw Waluigi's long chin sticking out from aside Wario. "Aha! found ya!" Bowser Jr. yelled out. "Aw man." Waluigi Mumbled. "Sorry, I guess I'm not that fat to hide you." Wario said to Waluigi in disappointment.

Bowser Jr. ran up to Waluigi and gave him a big hug. "Uh, hi, Bowser Jr. There really is no time for hugging right now. You see, we really need your assistance." Bowser Jr. looked up at Waluigi. "For what?" "Well, you see, my friend here's brother, Mario, got taken away by Bowser, and we need you help to save him. Can you do that?" Bowser Jr.'s eyes sparkled. "You guys chose ME to help you on a very important task?!" He asked. "Uh... Yes?" Bowser Jr. jumped with joy. "This is the best day of my life! Of course I'll come help! After all, I would do anything for YOU Waluigi!"

We all walked back towards Bowser's castle. Me, taking the lead with Wario by my side, Rosalina  right behind me along with Daisy and Peach, and Bowser Jr., clinging onto Waluigi's long legs, causing him to limp.

Soon, we arrived to the castle. I turned back towards everyone else. "Okay guys, you all think you're ready?" They all nodded, but Waluigi just stood there with Bowser Jr. on his leg. "Okay! Then let's go kick some butt!" "Yeah!" They all shouted. "Great! Now come on!" We slammed the door open and marched our way to the middle of the main room. We heard evil laughter far from a distance. The doors closed behind us. Then we all realized, What are we going to battle with?

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