"Ma, I told you not to call!"

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I go back to the ground and we all surround the hat looking at it. I gently pick it up. "He's gone!" Everyone gasps. "But how?" Waluigi ask's "I- I don't know!" Then the hat starts flying again and it pops out, "MARIO!"Everyone yells. "Mama mia! what happened?" Mario asks while rubbing his eyes. "It's not important. Come on, let's get you back home!"

"What an adventurous day, Don't you all think?" Everyone nods and agrees with me. "I'm just glad Mario's safe!"Peach cries as she hugs Mario very tightly. Everyone smiles. "Well, I'm just glad it's all over!" "Mhm!" Everyone says. I see Wario and Waluigi scratching their heads nervously. "You guys okay?" I ask. They look up. "Oh ye! you see, we just don't have anywhere to stay," Waluigi says. Then Wario added, "Can we move in?" Mario's eyes widen. "NOT PERMANENTLY! HERE ARE THE RULES, 1. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PANTS ON, 2. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES, 3..." and he kept going on with his rules.

"Ye Ye, We get it! Don't be us." Mario smiled "I think you understand then!" He sat back down. I smiled right along with Mario. "I think we can call this a successful day!" I said. "uh, now what?" "OH, I KNOW!" Wario shouts out. "how about we try and do that jump and freeze in the air thing like what happens in books and movies!" Wario got up and kept tempting to do it. Then we all shrugged and joined him. We actually did it! :Ring Ring: Wario reached in his back pocket while we were in the air and grabbed out his phone. "Yes? MA! I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL!" And he hung up. Then we all fell to the floor. 

"So can we move in tomorrow?" "Ughh..."

                                                                        THE END 

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