Bye wario hello mario

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Chapter 9

The next morning I walk in the kitchen and open my blinds. When j do that, I see something weird. (Although Wario and Waluigi are weird as it is) I see Wario and Waluigi packing? I sprint out side and across the street. "What are you doing?!" I asked. "Well we know you didn't like last night so we decided to move. And we won't be telling you our new address so yo don't have to worry about seeing us." Said Waluigi as Wario just said "Wah" I'm assuming that meant ya.

I didn't want them to think I didn't like them so I just stared at them trying not to be so sad. Then I said "well okay see you guys... Somewhere" their grins didn't seem so wide anymore same went with there big eyes. It's like yo couldn't even see the blue around it their were so closed.

They went into the big moving truck and waved goodbye as I waved back. Why was I letting this happen? Shouldn't I be chasing after them telling them to stay? They felt like family to me but Mario doesn't trust them. He thinks they're just some weird mean loons. They started to drive away.

As I was walking across the street back to my house, I could hear Wario yellin out, "WAHHHHAHAHHA IM GONNA MISS HIMMM" and the. Waluigi saying back to him, " WOULD YOU HUSH!? Your being a BABY a big FAT ONE!" And then Wario saying, "serry" I truly am gonna miss them. I walked back into he house and ate my breakfast sadly. For I was probably never gonna see those dumb great guys ever again.

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