Goodbye Bro

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I stare at him why my eyes wide open. Who does he think he is!? Saying he didn't give a souvenir?!? He never gives me a souvenir anyway! "I think we both know what the deal really is." I said. He just stared at me and shrugged. I it angrier and angrier everyone he did something like that.

I face palmed and said " The thin is you didn't even invite me to your Stupid parade! Out of all the people you didn't even invite your own brother!?" "Oh that! I thought it was something serious." He said as he walked in to the kitchen. "THIS IS SERIOUS!" I yelled. He just looked at me with the fridge opened with his eye brow up. "Ya sure." He said with a chuckle. I got so mad I about had it with him.

"YOU LEFT ME FOR PEACH FOR LIKE THE 5000000 TIME AND YOU MADE ME STUCK WITH WARIO AND WALUIGI!" I yelled at him. He couldn't help it but to just stand there and laugh. "Ya, and I danced with a magical cow today'" he said mocking me while laughing historically. "I'm not KIDDING! I actually spent a whole day with them and had FUN for once! They thought I didn't have a good time so they moved away without telling me where! Ya I thought they were weird and creepy and fat! But really under all that leg and fat are real brothers! And my friends! And I wish I had them my brother instead of a suck up to peach like YOU!" I cried. Then it ran into my room and grabbed my green suit case and started packing. I grabbed pairs of shirts, overalls and underwear. I grabbed a bunch of water bottles and and a sleeping bag. I got another suit case filled it with some mint and food.

Mario walked in my room as I was packing and asked, " what are you doing?" "I'm leaving this place. I'm leaving YOU! And I'm gonna go find Wario and Waluigi!" I zipped up my suit case and walked out the door and said. "AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU YOU AGAIN!!" Then I slammed the door and ran out.

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