The Most Epic Battle Ever (Totally)

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"Bwahahaa... You guys are pathetic. I assume you have come for Mario?" "You bet," I replied, "and there's nothing you can do to stop us!" I Shouted proudly. "Maybe... Except you guys have no weapons! BWAHAH!!!" "Well uh... WE DON'T NEED WEAPONS TO DEFEAT YOU!" Wario leaned in by me and whispered, "We don't?" "No, we don't, so shut up." I whispered back, then continued to yell "SO BRING IT ON TOUGH MAN!"

Bowser grinned. "GAHHHHHH" He yelled and then attacked. We all dodged. He threw his paw out and tried to grab me. Then suddenly, something came and pushed me out of the way. It was Bowser Jr. "Come on, Luigi, we got this, don't we? He's just someone that thinks hes all that." I nodded in agreement. Then I sat on the floor and closed my eyes. Everyone was looking at me strangely, even Bowser. I took deep breathes in and out. I let my hands loose, and let them move how they wanted to. I thought about why I was here. Why I was fighting such an evil beast. It was because I put my dear brother in great danger. I thought about all the good times me and him had together. He practically raised me. He is the older one. He did include me in many of his fun adventures. Or games. Like the tennis game, and the golf game, and much more. I remembered Wario and Waluigi, and how badly they sucked at all those competitions. I smiled. I remember how Mario would always cheer me up and give me encouraging words every now and then. He was also the one that helped set me up with Daisy. Mario always going to be my brother. I love him dearly and I can't let this happen to him all because of ME. I'm the big failure. I was a mistake. I let all this happen. It should have been me.

All of a sudden I'm floating off the ground. I began to glow. "Woah!" Is what I hear everyone say. as I fly up in the air. "I will not let you hurt my brother anymore, Bowser. You are a disgrace. Once I'm done with you, you're going to wish you never messed with us IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" I opened my eyes and they were glowing. I few to Bowser and circled him. I got my fists and started punching him hard. My hat came off my head and started floating as I kept punching and kicking Bowser. My hat spits out a hammer. I grab the hammer and pund it on Bowser's shell. The shell and the large hammer break. "NOOOOOO" He yells. My hat forms into a net and captures him, then my hat returns to it's normal size.

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