Worst lunch EVER

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Chapter 3

They gave me a ride to ( and I'm not surprised) Taco Bell.

We went inside and Wario probably ordered like 200 burritos. I just ordered 1 and Waluigi got... Nothing

"Ok Waluigi, get the timer ready." Said Wario. I had no idea what they were doing... But it didn't sound very great. "3... 2... 1... GO!!" Waluigi started his timer and started counting! Then I looked at Wario and he was inhaling pthose burritos! Then I realized Waluigi was counting how many burritos Wario was eating. "48, 49, 50! It's a new record!" Said Waluigi as Wario kept on eating over 50 burritos. I just face palmed wondering why I did this!!

After a while they stopped counting and he got up to like, 100! Soon we went home and they offered me to come over to there house. Considering I just had the worst lunch experience ever with them I decided to pass. Thy have been really nice to me lately. So weird.

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