The Big Man

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"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU TWO ARE SOOOO HILARIOUS! BWAHAHAHA!!" Me and Rosalina stood there wondering why he thought this was so funny. "Excuse me, uh sir-" "Its's BOWSER." "Uh, right, Bowser, why is asking you if you knew where Wario and Waluigi were so funny to you?" Rosalina asked. "BWAHAHAHAHA, THATS JUST IT! WHY WOULD YOU THINK I KNOW WHERE THOSE IDIOTS ARE?" We both stared at him with fear. Than I spoke up. "Listen, Bowser, they are absolutely idiots, but they are great, uh, things, and you see, my brother, Mario, he's been a real pain in the butt lately. It's like all he cares about is Princess Peach. So, I wanted to find Wario and Waluigi so they can hang with me more instead of that no good Mario. So we came here to ask you if you knew where they both were! So... Do you?"

Bowser stared at me and raised an eyebrow as he sat on his big throne. "I might..." Me and Rosalina smiled with joy. "But I will only tell you where they are on one condition..." I nodded. "Yes! Anything! Just tell me what you want!" He grinned and narrowed his eyes. "I want you, to bring me your brother." "M-my brother? You want Mario?" He silently laughed evily and nodded. "You see, poor innocent Luigi, I am too, like you." "You are?" "Oh yes! I definitely hate your brother, Mario! I hate him so much, that i want him to come to me so i can CRUSH him like a soda can." He clenched his fist and slowly turned his head and started getting up. Me and Rosalina stepped back as the big-whatever he is- rose up before us.

"You see, I have had a dream, Many of them actually, that i would one day, take Mario away from this whole world and have Princess Peach be mine! And then I will be the towns hero, and may i add, King, of this little village!" We both trembled as Bowser walked over to the other side of the dark, dark room. "But that is only, if you want to to find your so called 'Friends' and if you really truly hate your brother." "N-No I can't." "Then you will FAIL on finding Wario and Waluigi and deal living with your so called brother or even living on the streets BEGGING on your little wobbling knees for MONEY! So, with that, what will it be, Luigi?"

I stared up at Bowser who was now bending over from above me. "So?" I looked at Rosalina, she was nodding her head side to side. I bowed my head to the floor than I looked up at Bowser, "Call it a deal." He grinned and we shook hands. Me and Rosalina both headed out the door back to my house.

"Bwahahah... He is foolish, just like his brother. Little did he know that they moved in my basement and were seriously right under them this whole time. He will give me what I have wanted and I will continue torchering his little 'Friends' and he will be helpless and lo-" Bowser was cut off. "Hey! Bowser, you have anymore toilet paper?" "GO AWAY! I DO NOT HAVE ANY MORE TOILET PAPER, WARIO. NOW GO PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON!"

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