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I had my bag rolling behind me as I dragged it on the concrete sidewalk. I know this was a crazy idea, but I have had it with Mario. I couldn't take another day with that man. But then again, I didn't even know where I was going! Wario and Waluigi never told me their address so how was I suppose to find them!

I guess I got to carried away thinking, that I ran into a poll. "Ow!" I groaned while rubbing my forehead where I got hit. My bag popped open and everything flew out. "Ughhh" I groaned. I bent down on my knees to pick everything up till I heard a voice.

"Hello?" I look up and see a girl with blond hair and her bangs covering half her face. She was also waring a blue dress. "Here, let me help you." The lady said. She bent down and helped me gather my things. "Oh, thank you, I really do appreciate it!" "That's fine! Where are you headed to, sir?" She asked me. "Oh, I'm Luigi, and I'm trying to find some friends of mine, it's a long story." She smiled and laughed. "Nice to meet you Luigi, I'm Rosalina." "Wow, that name sounds very familiar. Where have I heard it before?" "Yes, well I am very well known, but let's not get into that right now! Let me help you find your friends while you tell me your long story." She got up with my suit case and handed it to me.

We walked along the sidewalk as I told her everything about Wario and Waluigi. "Oh! Those idiots? Sorry my language... But I have had some experience with those two guys. You are talking about the fat and tall one that always go 'Wah' right?" I chuckled at the imitation she did. "Yes, those guys."

We kept walking as she thought of where they would be. She she got an idea. "I don't know where they are or could be, but I think I know who would." Uh oh.

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