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Why did I let them leave? If I wanted them to stay so much, then why didn't I make them? My mind was thinking about that all morning.

I had nothing else to do so I turned on the TV and skipped trough the channels. I kept skipping till I saw something that caught my eye.

"Mario has saved peach one AGAIN! We are having a parade ate Main Street and if Mario invited you, go on ahead and join us! We are celebrating how wonderfully Mario has saved peach (again) so come on! We will have a great time! And if ur not invited then u get to watch on the Television ! We will be back after this break!"

I can't believe it. My own brother hadn't invited me. Out of all people he didn't den think to invite me or see if u wanted to even go. This was just the "best" day ever. People who actually respected me in a weird (fat) way had moved and don't give me information because I was to baby to tell them to stay. Why would Mario do something like that to me? Yesterday was probably the best day ever. And thanks to my stupid deal I changed everything. And there was nothing I could do to change it.

Because I'm a no one. No one excepts me but Wario and Waluigi, my friends.

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