Finchel- What if?

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Rachel's POV

For some strange reason all of this week I just keep thinking What If.

What if I didn't date Jesse?

What if I didn't find out about Finn and Santana?

What if I didn't cheat on Finn?

It's that one that hurts to think about because I know that one did the most damage.

I walk towards the choir room slowly thinking about what song I could do for this weeks assignment. A song that says where we are in life right now. I could sing something about heartbreak but then Quinn would just go insanely jealous and quit glee and make Finn quit too so not the best idea.

"Rachel your late" Mr shue says as I walk in and sit down at the back still running what ifs through my mind.

"Can I ask why?"

"Oh um I just... Ah Never mind I got nothing continue" I slump slowly down in my seat as everyone stares at me weirdly. "Is that okay with you Rachel?"

He pulls me instantly from my thoughts. "What?"

"The solo for regionals?"

"Yeah I think Mercedes or Santana should do it or both of them"

I don't know what's wrong with me I jut turned down a solo.

"Any song suggestions"

"The one they did for the duet competition, it was awesome"

"Thanks berry" Santana said from next to me.

The rest of the week goes so slowly like seriously. I now realise how everyone feels singing back up to me because you literally just sway and make humming sounds to match the right pitch.

Just as I am about to leave the auditorium to get my sports kit I hear Finn calling my name, I stop and wait for him before turning around to fact him. "Yes" I ask raising my eyebrows at him.

"It was really cool of you to give the solo away"

"I didn't really feel like singing"

"What do you mean?"

"I've got to go"

I walk quickly out the door and to the gym where I see Santana waiting for me. "Hey San"

"Hey berry are you ready?"


I walk slowly to the middle of the gym and begin to practice my cheerleading routine that Santana taught me. Once I had finished I heard clapping and it wasn't Santana it was coach Sylvester.

"Hi coach"

"I want you on my team"

"Really cause I was gonna try out tomorrow"

"I want you as head cheerleader"

"But Quinn..."

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