Beginning to work

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I have come to realise that my pitying attempts at winning Finn back are actually beginning to work, well at least I think they are.


"Just leave me alone!" Finn said, frustration was clear in his voice.

She wasn't happy as the attention was taken off her a a I walked passed the both of them, I walked slow just so I was able to hear their conversation for longer, I feel like a stalker. "Finn I know this is hard but you have to sing that wretched song but just pretend that I'm dating Jesse" she said, covering her anger well with a smooth yet creepy tone of voice. "I love that song, it means a lot to me!" he exclaimed and I could just about hear Quinn burst. "But you sung it to Hobbit" she said through gritted teeth.

"Well yeah and you had a baby with Puck, are we done stating the obvious now?"

End of flashback

I could have laughed, actually I did once I had locked myself in an empty stall in the bathroom. I told Santana and she said it was great but hen she said that the sooner I get back with Finn the sooner she can stop pretending to care about my problems. Then I quite smartly pointed out that she didn't pretend to care at all.

Glee was uneventful, which is strange but then at the end Britney said something stupid so I guess it wasn't completely uneventful.

Cheerios is a whole different story on the terms of how eventful it was.

Since Quinn is at the bottom of the pyramid she has had a cob on all week and today Santana had reached her limit and well let's just say she went all Lima heights.

"You really should have done that sooner" I said once we walking to her car. "Well if I let my anger build up it becomes a bigger outburst and theta equals more damage"

"I can't wait to see Quinn tomorrow"


"You broke her nose, so she won't have a perfect face, will she?" I say winking at Santana before climbing into the car.

"Right, let's run through the songs for nationals!" Mr Shue yelled to us from the stage of the auditorium.

Quinn puts her hand in the air but then decides against it and just yells "we need prom songs first!"

Everyone turns to look in her direction and she cautiously covers her already covered nose, as Santana did in fact break it.

Prom was in a week and about 5 people had asked me but I had said no as I was going to ask someone who could help me make Finn jealous but without making the boy think I am using them unless they dot mind like Noah. Puck!

I could ask him to help make Finn jealous, and he would go along with it.

I leaned over and whispered in Pucks ear "Will you take me to Prom?"

"To make Finn jealous?"


"Sure well you are popular now"

"Would you like to share Rachel, Puck?" Mr Shue asks and I now notice everyone is looking our direction.

"I was just asking Berry here to prom" Puck says casually.

"I thought you were with Jesse?" Finn asks incredulously.

"It wasn't meant to be" I shrug.

"Oh" was all he said before he motioned for Mr Shue to continue, but seriously as if Mr Shue needed Finns consent to continue.

"Well you can all decide on songs for prom yourselves" he said before continuing his talk on the set list for nationals.

"Finn was totally jealous when Puck said you were going to prom together!" Santana exclaimed half enthusiastically. "Really do you think so?" I asked but I didn't really expect a proper answer as she had already complimented me today. So we just stayed silent on our way to Cherrios practice and my only thought was, it's actually beginning to work. The plan was beginning to work.

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