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It's happening, it is.

Finn and Quinn haven't talked for a whole week and it's amazing, although they could have talked outside of school or texted but I am not focusing on the negative right now.

"Rachel are you even listening?" the voice instantly snaps me from my thoughts. "what?" I ask even though I know I have done it, got my first detention. "Detention after school"

I sigh and lean down in my seat and actually listen to the teacher, what's wrong with me?

"Hey Rachel sorry Mr Shue was so hard on you in class" Finn was saying as we walked out of class. "It's the rules and I broke them so I get punished" I say, I am such a goody two shoes. "what had you so distracted anyway?"

Well this is awkward, I can't exactly tell him I was daydreaming about him after he dropped Quinn's sorry behind.

"Solos?" I say as more of a question than an answer and it's really too bad that he understands me better than I do. "Come on Rach" he whined like a complete four year old. "it's the truth" I argue trying to keep the smile from creeping onto my face, but I failed, miserably. "see even your facial expression is betraying you" he points out quite smartly. I very immaturely poke my tongue out at him. "I've got to go" I say as I catch sight of the clock.

"Well bye" I can barely hear his voice as I rush down the hallway.

"Berry where have you been" Santana hisses in my ear as I arrive at cheerios practice. "I was talking to Fin and I lost track of time" I say inaudible to anyone but her. She just nods her head and motions for me to take charge and lead the next routine as coach could not attend today's practice. "right let's just practice the routine from yesterday, okay?" I say making sure to keep my voice clear. I get nods and mourners of agreement before the stabbing begins.

She's smiling, of course. "I think we should create a new routine" Quinn says in a know it all voice, but seriously she sounds like Hermione from Harry Potter. "Well I think we should do what I say as I am Head cheerleader" I say with that heavy tone of arrogance dripping of my words. "Well I think my idea is better that has to count for something right?" she says innocently, she can act it but she isn't. "Well I agree with our Head cheerleader" Santana says shooting daggers in Quinn's direction. She just smiles, like I said it shouldn't bother me but it does, it really does.

"Let's go then" she says sweetly, oh how I want to slap her.

After practice we began walking to Santana's car when I realised something. "Bye I will see you tomorrow!" I yell over my shoulder to her while I am running back to my classroom. "Your late" is all he says while I take a seat. I just kept staring down at the desk and I notice the carvings me and Finn made one lesson.

'Finn and Rachel 4ever'

I smile considering the circumstances.

"Really can people not be on time, just take a seat" Mr shue says.

My head snaps up and I see him stood there with the most adorable half smile covering his face whilst he takes the seat behind me. "I have to go and get my marking but stay here and quiet" Mr Shue declares before exiting.

"Hey" it tickles my ear but I hold back a smile. "What did you do?" I whisper still facing the board that read yesterday's date. "Did you know that if you punch someone in front of a teacher you get a detention" he says with a fake thoughtful tone. "who?" I ask hoping it was but wasn't Puck. If it was it means Finn is a little bit jealous or Quinn cheated. If it was I would feel bad for Noah and I would hope he doesn't have bruising it won't look good on the prom photos. "Puck" he mumbles as if ashamed to say it.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you, you know, punch him? I ask uncertainly. "I didn't think he was good enough for you" he says quietly.

I wanted to say 'it's just prom' but couldn't bring myself to.

Mr Shue came back and said we could go but I soon realised I had no ride.

My dads or Jesse(when he was sort of transferred) or Finn(when we dated) or Santana(nowadays) would bring me and I couldn't ring my dads they would be furious for me getting a detention.

I could call Santana but I doubt she would come pick me up and Jesse isn't even an option so I'm stuck.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned and Finn stood there smiling.

"Want a ride?"

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