Classroom dream

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All night I was thinking of what Quinn said and how she was proud of her feelings. I thought about confronting her and asking how she could lead Finn on but I didn't have the heart to do it. It's no that i don't have the heart to do it, it's just that I am sort of worried about what Quinn's mother is cable of. I am not accusing her of abuse or anything but Quinn is strong and soon she will snap and I certainly wouldn't want to be on the other end of that so why would her mother?

I picked a dress out. Its beautiful. Well I think it is anyway, not everyone shares the same opinion.

"Rachel I just wanted to ask if you could come over some time?"

I smiled up at him before nodding my head slowly still holding my smile in place. But before I could turn away he pulled me back and into a short but entirely sweet kiss. "Rachel" it was a girls voice, she sounded broken. I pulled away and looked up once more. There stood in front of me was no longer Finn but was in fact Puck. As I looked down I realised it was in fact Quinn. "Wasn't Finn enough?" she asked in almost a timid fashion. I could've screamed. I did.

"Rachel what's wrong?" It wasn't one of my dad's voices. My voice instantly stopped itself from screaming. "Nothing" I mumble forgetting to open my eyes. That voice is familiar. I begrudgingly opened my eyes and I could quite easily cry from embarrassment. "Can I go, please?" I ask standing to be at eye level with Mr Shue. He just gives a nod towards the door before I begin dragging myself out the classroom.

'I so have a detention'. Is what is being repeated in my head as I walk aimlessly around the school.

My first idea of where to go and hide was preoccupied. If your wondering I was going to go and hide in the janitors closet. The next one that popped into my head was the auditorium but I knew someone was bound to show up soon enough.

I eventually decided to just head to my next class as the bell had just gone.

English, I really hate English. I don't know why, I just do. That sounds overly lame but my mind is just somewhere else right now. As I pass the janitors closet I hear muffle voices talking really breathily. It stops me so I am stood right outside the battered door. Obviously curiosity got the better of me and I certainly wish it hadn't.

I can feel the tears burning as I rapidly blink my eyes hoping to erase the image before me.

There stood Santana lip on lip with-

I gulp loudly before speaking.

"Finn?" I ask.

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