Then you came along and made it worse

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"And I still love you"

He can't say that and just walk away! I'm mentally yelling at him...or me. I'm not sure which but either one would work.

I love him. He loves me.

Am I the only one not seeing a problem?

"Are you serious?" Quinn asked pulling the best serious face she could manage. "Yes he just said 'And I still love you' then he walked away" I say dramatically putting emphasis on each word. "Told you I was a genius" she said confidently crossing her arms. "Quinn. He walked away. Not me" I say sullenly moon my gaze to the table. "Oh. That might need a little bit of work"

"Really? What ever made you think that?" I ask sarcasm heavy in my voice. She just shrugged in response. Probably biting back the urge to respond. "I have an idea!" she suddenly half screeched earning a few stares. I just pull her back down to avoid the humiliation she would face. "What is it?" I ask irritably. She gives me a weird look but just as she's about to explain Brittany bounds over from her table. "I have a question" she says excitedly. Quinn and I share a look before motioning for he to continue. " I was sat and I was thinking about when you both said about people parting like the Red Sea" she paused slowly as if processing her next words. "But I was on the computer and I decided to search it-"

"Wait. You know how to search things on the computer?" Quinn asked surprised. "No I asked the person next to me to search it. Anyway I found out that the sea isn't actually red which really confused me" she said before going silent. "What about the question?" I ask slowly as if speaking to a four year old. "Do you two want to join our girls group for this weeks assignment" she asked sweetly. I felt like laughing as her previous speech about the Red Sea had no relevance to the question. "Depends on what song" I say quickly before Quinn can say no. "We're doing another Jana Kramer one. It's called One of the boys. Do you know it?"

"Oh we know it" I say.

"We're in" Quinn replies carefully.

"Who's up first?" Mr Shue asks walking to the chairs as Brittany's hand shoots up. I soon realise that by girls group she meant the cheerios.

Brittany-I'm tired of these high heels

Santana-The higher they get, the more trouble I'm in

Quinn-I'm sick of this makeup

Rachel-Just to take it off and put it on again

Brittany-I look at those boys in trucks

Santana-And think how easy that must be

Quinn-I'm already ready to shotgun the Chevy

Rachel-Boys are you ready for me

All-Gimme a ball cap with blue Levi's

I'm hangin' with Jack and Jim and raisin' 'em high

I'm might just flirt if I see something I like

Yeah I'm just one of the boys tonight

Rachel- Hey there, I'm talkin' to you, you wanna drink with me

Quinn-No honey I'm buyin', put your money away

Brittany-This one is free

Santana-You might hear a few dirty words slip out of this pretty little mouth

Rachel-No drama queens causin' scenes

Quinn- Just the boys throwin' it down

All- Gimme a ball cap with blue Levi's

I'm hangin' with Jack and Jim and raisin' 'em high

I'm might just flirt if I see something I like

Finchel- What if?Where stories live. Discover now