Chapter 6 - What the Crap? reedited

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  • Dedicated to JD Cave

Chapter 6

  Kaitlin struggled to wake up. Her blanket trapped her down. For some  

reason the blanket seemed so extremely heavy. Heavy enough she was unable to move at all. Heat radiated off the blankets. Even more than she would of normally expected. Between the heat and weight she learned the meaning of being smothered. She shoved the blanket hard to allow herself to be able to get up.  

The blanket seemed to fly off her where it landed on the floor with a thump. Wait, what the crap? She cracked open her eyes to see what was going on. A look down at the blanket promptly caused her to want to have a heart attack, a panic attack, a something attack. There on the floor where her blanket should have been laid a huge as hell wolf. It stared at her as if trying to figure out how it came to be on the floor.  


Where in the world did the wolf come from? How did it get in? Her heart raced and she felt sweat beads run

down her sides and on to her face. How could this happen? Why now? She didn't really want to be wolf chow.  


She glanced around for something she could use to protect herself. There was no way she  

would be able to run and get away. It was too close and would catch her before she got more than a few feet from the bed.  

What she didn't understand was why it had been laying on the small side of her bed. The bed was huge. The wolf had been laying mostly on top of her and on a very narrow edge of the bed. That was why it fell off when she had shoved.  


Trying to regain control over her body and mind she fought to push her fear level down. She started to  

scoot over to the opposite side of the bed from the wolf. If she could get the bed between them then maybe she could try to grab the lamp or something for protection. As she got to the center of the bed the wolf jumped up and lay down. As soon as it landed beside her, she curled in a ball and whimpered in fear.  


 The wolf nudged her as if to find out what was wrong. As the wolf’s hot breath passed over  

her face she cringed and scooted farther away. The wolf followed and continued to nudge her till she  

slid onto the floor. The floor was a shock when she hit it. She quickly scrambled under the bed thankful she  

could barely slide underneath. The wolf came over and pawed at the edge with a pitiful whine. After a few  

seconds Kaitlin started to relax a little.  


 If the wolf really wanted to it could have shoved the bed over and got to her. It didn't though. The  

wolf laid there staring at her with its beautiful sad pewter eyes. She scooted under the bed to  

the other side. After she crawled out, she looked over at the wolf to discover that it continued to stare at her.

 She had to get the hell out of the room. The door was just a few feet away from her so she decided to bolt for it. The door was unlocked and cracked open. Which explained how the wolf got in.  

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