Chapter 9 - So it Shall Be

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I Pray everyone had a safe and wonderful Christmas.  I will try to have chapter 10 up By New Years.  Enjoy and Thanks for reading.  Tina

Chapter 9

Kaitlin drove for what seemed like forever before she pulled over to check the trailer. She hopped out and went to the back. The rough roads where not go for the trailer or for her cargo. She popped open the feed doors. She grabbed a section of hay to toss in the back. Kaitlin placed grain and hay in the feed troughs to the front of the trailer. Closing it all up, she looked around to figure out how far she had made it. She should be getting close to the old homestead. Nonny's place seemed to be not far down the road from there. What was normally a six hour drive turned into only about four hours when you used the state park roads. Only bad part with that was the roads were not as nicely paved as the high way.

Once she knew for sure where she had come out she opened the back and tapped the side. Shad came out tossing his head like he was some big and bad. Oh wait he was a big and bad. He trotted around a few minutes before coming back to her and cuddling to her. She buried her face in his neck. He was the one who was always there for her. No one understood her like he did. He had always helped to make everything appear to be more real. Shad had brought her through a lot.

After a few moments she tapped the trailer again and he disappeared back inside like a shadow. That useful trick she had taught Shad right after she got him to where she could ride him. A special tap and in he goes. Since he could open any gate she had ever put him behind it came in real handy. The silent load helped a lot to get out of places quickly and quietly. It came in handy when at rodeos when fights broke out. Load and go.

     “Okay Shad, so where do we go from here? Do we try to track down Nonny or do we try to find some place we can hide? For some really weird reason I have a feeling that those wolves and Luke and his crew will track us down no matter where we go.”

At this comment Shad reared and tossed his head. Landing he nudged her towards the cab of the truck. As she got to the door she heard rustling in the trees and grabbed her 45 and made sure it was loaded with armor piercing rounds. If it was one of those awful wild pigs it might take more than one shot to take them down.

Out trots these damn coyotes. Do these damn beasts never die? Six years and she’d seen none and now she had seen them multiple times in two days. Well that's fine she had forty rounds in her two clips and two more twenty round clips in the seat of the truck. Shad shielded her from them with his body and tried to get her to load in to the truck. She shoved on his massive body to get it where she could get a shot. That wasn't going to happen so she jumped up on the running board of the truck and pulled herself up to the roof. Taking a knee she aimed in. Getting ready for an eye shot because a mouth hit the other day seemed to work. Now if she could get a clean eye shot it should do the same thing.

Once she was no longer on the ground Shad turned so that he was in a more attacking stance. One of the outside wolves tried to whip to the side to get a side attack in. As Shad turned to meet the charging coyote another tried to pull a sneak attack from the other side. Bad move because as it opened its mouth in the middle of its jump it gave Kaitlin the perfect mouth shot she needed.

One down, three more to go.

With her dropping the sneak attack Shad was able to quickly dispense the other attacking wolf. Since she was no longer harmless to them the other two wolves attacked. They were keeping their heads down so she couldn't get a mouth shot but with Shad's help they were no problem. As they lunged toward her Shad took one out with his massive hooves while the other jumped towards her snarling. Her overpowering fear kicked back in, freezing her hand at the last second.

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