Chapter 40 - Onward

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Sorry I have been so late posting this last chapter. Only excuse is I was at the doctor all day with my daughter who has strep throat. Got meds popsicles and now back to the important stuff. So here is the last chapter. I am so thankful to everyone for their wonderful support. Thanks for the reads and the votes and most especially for everyone's comments. Thanks everyone.

Chapter 40

As I watched the workers build Kat’s platform tears formed in my eyes. It made me so proud that my daughter, my pride and joy, would take my place as ruler of the shifter nation. It had been so hard to watch the damage done since my death.

My tears had flowed in the spiritual wind so much over the last few years. I had cried for each one of the shifters tortured and killed at the hands of the Lunas. I felt as if I had failed them all, but Kat and Christine the most. Kat in that through my death the Lunas managed to mess with her memories and heart bringing her so much hurt.

Christine, oh my beloved Christine, I failed her by not protecting her from those blood thirsty power hungry murderous demons. I should have stolen her back as soon as they refused our mating. Instead I did as my mate begged and left her at their mercy. My biggest failing to Christine was that I was unable to protect Kat from the Lunas after all our sacrifices.

Now though it had all come back around. They stood tall and proud; I would only be able to join them in my spiritual form. I would have given anything to wrap them in my arms one more time. To be able to tell them how much I loved them forever more.

As evening came the platform was erected on the spot where I was beaten and killed while trying to protect Kat. My biggest down fall was thinking Stephanie Craton was human. They used my devotion to keeping my race secret, to kill me.

Stephanie had recruited rogue shifters to do the Lunas’ dirty work in exchange for keeping their spirits and slipping under the radar. She had five there that day. I had taken Kat out for a fun day away.  Instead it had been a day of reckoning.  They stripped my loves of everything. At least Christine managed to escape. Kat had struggled her way through but she had always been a fighter.

It was hard to fathom that my darling baby would be accepting the crown tonight. I still remember her as a sweet baby laying in my arms. Blessed with a large warm and caring heart, Kat would make a wonderful leader. She had the uncanny ability to find the best in others, but also had the foresight to see the path one must follow to be successful. Steadfast and true she had the uncanny ability to find the truth and do the right thing whether it was what she wanted it to be or not.

Right now I ran my hands over the beautiful work of the carpenters. Chairs were laid out around the platform.  Shortly everyone should be arriving to watch the crowning. I was so glad they had recovered my crown. For such an important piece of our heritage to be lost would have been awful.  The crown had been passed down since the Goddess Luna herself had blessed my family with our role of Guardians.

As the guests arrived I decided to stay with the stage. If I’d still been able to breathe I would have lost it when I saw Kat and her mate arrive. She had grown to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. She looked just like her mom when I met her.  By her side was the one person I hoped would be her mate. Luke got the short end of the stick. What with him having his standing of first born stripped from him by emergency C-section.  That boy was born to be great. Now at Kat’s side he would achieve that greatness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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