1. And so it begins

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Life Is a dangerous game in its self. Each day you live on the thin line that was your life. One wrong step it could be gone in a flash. Like a stone skipped along the sea. Creating a ripple effect hurting many around.

When you add the game of the crown into it you are asking for your life to be taken from you willingly. The endless nights worrying if you will be granted the acceptance to even be involved in the game itself. After that you worry for your life as you battle for that crown. Spending your days plotting. Working out your next move to take down the higher power stood in your way. All while they are plotting against you.

Only the elite ever make it out alive in the crown. Earning it. Once you are crowned the king or queen of the game you pick what happens next. You pick your ' royal family' otherwise known as your team. That helps you crawl your way to the top. Quite literally for some. You must marry someone from your team or create a stronger alliance by marrying another king or queen from another school's royal family. Well you don't actually marry them just in the ways of the game you become a power couple if you choose.

By doing this it shows you are trying to ensure you families reign in the game. But this move comes with its risks. The alliance causes more rebellion from unsuccessful Princes and Princesses and there royal families. Meaning more care must be taken. More guards in place at the royal quarters if you choose. To help you sleep at night. The less conventional route is to protect yourself spending each waking night with a lighter and weapon of choice in your hands.

It seems you want to join the game. That's why your here aren't you. You want the crown. The power. The money that comes with it. Well hurry along then.Professor Gulliver is awaiting your arrival to sort you into your royal family. Don't expect to be put into the Valois family. That is the family everyone wants. If you want that one you have to be the best of the best. But we wont know that till you work your way up the chain. Oh! you didn't think we would sort you into a royal family straight away did you. Your in the family but as a maid or servant. Working your way up through a series of tasks. Like poisoning the lady or Lord in waiting , seducing their lonely counterpart so that you marry into the family. Then its taking down who lies ahead of you in the line of the throne of the family. After you have won the families title of being next in line to the actual throne of the school. Then and only then you can actually find yourself battling for the crown.

Life isn't easy. So why should this be.

Welcome to the game of the crown. We have been awaiting you.

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