46. Visiting hours

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Victoria sat helplessly in bed as Miss Florence carried her breakfast tray of fruit and orange juice into the room. Placing it on Victoria's lap. It had been a few days since the doctor put Victoria on bed rest till he had the results of her blood. Everyday she asked Miss Florence if he would be coming with the results and she had to sadly say no. But today felt different. The door opened again and in walked the doctor. Victoria put down her glass of orange juice and miss Florence placed the tray to the side of the room. Walking over to the bed the doctor bowed slightly to her and smiled. Which she nodded and smiled back.

" Do you have the results?" Victoria asked

"Yes and I also have a few questions about the masquerade night." The doctor answers

" Ok" Victoria says with confusion staring at the doctor.

"Did anything out of the ordinary happen at the ball?" The doctor asked and Victoria began to think

" Umm... I had a few too many champagne flutes ... Umm and I "Victoria starts and the doctor presses her to go on.

" Well ... Umm ... I remember this person ... He took me during the tango .. Dressed similarly to Francis at first I thought it was him . But something was off. He was forceful and ... I was light headed and .. And " Victoria gets stuck and keeps repeating and over and over again and the doctor stops her giving her time to think.

" I woke up here. That's all I remember but I know something happens during the tango." Victoria says throwing her head in her hands closing her eyes to try and picture that night.

" Miss Florence could you give the list of ball attendance to the investigator please." The doctor asked and Victoria looked up abruptly.

" Why?" Miss Florence asked the question Victoria had been thinking.

" Because someone drugged the Queen and we need to find out. Whatever happened during the tango most likely links to the drugging." The doctor says and Victoria frowns.

" That's impo..." Victoria starts and stops as she tries to remember the majority of the night.

Then the doctor left suddenly with Miss Florence in tow to get the guest list to the investigator as quickly as possibly and Victoria threw her head in her hands closing her eyes trying to vividly remember what happened that night in as much detail as she could. But she could only remember walking in , drinking some champagne dancing with Francis and then dancing with the mysterious man.

" Ah your majesty it is good to hear you are coming of bed rest soon." A voice said and Victoria looked up.

" Yes , I am hopefully, but now there is an investigation happening. Seems someone wants me dead or something." Victoria says rubbing her eyes

" why would someone do such a thing at your birthday ball." Gulliver said taking a seat at the edge of her bed.

" Perfect opportunity. Masquerade. Drug me without being know. Everyone is a suspect. I don't remember enough to know what happened just before I blacked out. Perfect time to kill me." Victoria says playing with a thread she had pulled loose on the blanket and Gulliver lifted her gaze back to him.

" Your safe though your majesty. That is all that matters." Gulliver says and she smiles sadly.

"I know , I know. But what if it happens again... Wait weren't you at the ball you must remember seeing me." Victoria asks hopefully and Gulliver shakes his head,

" sorry your majesty I was at the gardens reading my book. You know in the alcove. Masquerades aren't really my thing. All that adulterous behaviour. Members of the court shouldn't get caught up in that sort of thing this close to the crown wars. Sorry I can ask around if you want." Gulliver says crushing her hopes.

" No ... No it's fine the inspector is on it. I just hoped someone had seen something. Francis was putting Johnathan to bed when the tango was on. Miss Florence was running round like a mad woman much like the rest of the servants so they don't remember any more vivid details then I do and the rest saw things but are probably too scared to say." Victoria rambles and Gulliver shushes her.

" The person will be found. Don't worry. Someone will stand up and tells us something that will lead us to the person who drugged you that night I promise. " Gulliver says and places his hand on her left shoulder making her shudder slightly.

Retracting it he looks at her confused.

" Sorry. I haven't liked the feeling of a man touching me since the ball. Nothing personal." Victoria said even though there was something off about his touch to her.

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