44. Masquerade

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Victoria adjusted her gold lace mask as Miss Florence pinned the last pearl clip into her bun. Pulling lightly at the loose strands of hair around her face to frame it. Giving the look a softer , more romantic feel. The gold complimenting the gold lace design across her ball gown. Finishing with her diamond necklace Francis had bought her. Smiling to herself as Miss Florence fluffed the underskirts of Victoria's dress to make it fuller. Opening the door Victoria headed down the grand stair case into the ballroom.

Which was decorated in beautiful white rose accents placed throughout the room. The candles lit to create a sultry mood. Catching Victoria's necklace sending rainbows across the walls making her look angelic and pure. Her left hand grazing the banister as she walked onto the shiny wooden floor. Each member of the party had on a mask even the servers that held platters of champagne flutes around the room. The band began to play as everyone bowed down to Victoria to welcome her presence to the party making her smile. Taking a seat upon her throne they had custom made just for tonight. Francis wore a dark black suit with a white tie with gold lace to match Victoria. His mask pure black covering half his face. Holding his hand out to Victoria she placed her hand on top of his and nodded slightly as she stood up. Leading her to the floor to initiate the first dance. As it came to an end Victoria smiled as he took her hand in his and kissed it. Making her blush behind the mask. She danced with a few others who offered in between a few champagne flutes of her own.

Until , a man dressed similarly to Francis came up to her and offered his hand out to her to dance. Which she accepted assuming he was part of the court since his outfit was practically identical to Francis'. Taking her hand softly in his at first and then swiftly pulling her into position for the tango. Sure it was unusual for a man other than your husband to dance the tango with you but at a masquerade all the rules of society are thrown out the window. Hence the legacy created by House Demure. Pulling her as flush against himself as possible with Victoria's large ball gown. Making her gasp. In any other circumstance she would feel utterly disgusted and confused of this man's actions. But she felt oddly comfortable in his arms and dare she thought aroused. It was probably the champagne going to her head she hoped. Since this man clearly wasn't Francis but held a similar aura with a hint of jealousy and lust radiating onto her skin.

Passion cascading from them as he interlaced his fingers with hers. His right hand firmly against her waist holding her close to lead. Her breath laboured as they fell into the swing. Her mind a whirl of cloudiness as she tried to distinguish this man's features. At the height of the dance she uttered three breathless words barely above a whisper as her face was less than an inch away from his ear.

"Who are you?"

Turning them abruptly Victoria melted into his arms. Trying to see any feature she could possibly recognise but it was impossible. Maybe it was Francis and he had got changed due to Johnathan throwing food at him. She thought. It was a likely possibility since Johnathan had fallen into a phase of his food going anywhere but his mouth. But something felt off.

Placing his mouth next to her ear he whispered.

" who ever you want me to be?" making Victoria sigh at the touch of his warm air caressing the side of her face.

"Kiss me." She said barely audible to the man who held her in his arms.

She didn't have to ask twice. Suddenly she was enveloped in a passionate kiss. Fit for any girl's wildest fantasies. If her mind was in a whirlwind before hand it was another planet now. Dizziness enveloped her as he broke away completely. Leaving the ball room in a flash of cloth. Touching her forehead the room continued to spin as people began to look like they had three bodies. Blinking quickly Victoria tried to stop it but it continued. Her breath becoming more and more laboured as her eyes began to go black. The last she heard was people gasping and shouting for help as she collapsed in ungracefully t the floor.

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