35 . Is he safe?

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Victoria rushed to Johnathan's nursery as quickly as she could dodging the guards as she went. As, she knew they would escort her straight back to her bedroom. Just as Victoria was nearing his nursery she heard Miss Florence and Mr Gillingham talking.

" I hear it's the court trying to take Johnathan." Miss Floremce says

" Oh your such a gossip. But it can't be they are having a meeting Tomorrow with the court to reinstate." Mr Gillingham says as Victoria tries to open door to a room near to Johnathan's nursery.

" How do you know?" Miss Florence asked

" They want tea and scones for the meeting." Mr Gillingham answers and Miss Florence laughs slightly

" at ten o'clock that's too early for tea and scones." Miss Florence scoffs

"It's what they have ordered I am just the cook remember." Mr Gillingham says as Victoria continues to try the lock on the door.

Victoria tried kept trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Trying to make as little sound as she could hoping it would not direct Mr Gillingham or Miss Florence's attention towards her. Victoria tried loosening the door handle but it wouldn't budge. Frustrated she hit the door with her hand and retracted it quickly hoping she hadn't drawn attention to herself.

"Your majesty what are you doing out of your chambers you know it is not safe at the moment." Miss Florence said from half way down the corridor.

"I wanted to see Johnathan, Miss Florence that is all and the door is stuck." Victoria says and Miss Florence sighs walking over to the door.

"That is because one of the soldiers told me to lock it with them inside so Johnathan was safe." Miss Florence said and Victoria's heart began to race

"Did you make sure it was one of our own Miss Florence?" Victoria asked panic starting to lace her tone

"Yes , your majesty I made sure. After what happened with the Valios attack we wanted to make sure he was safe." Miss Florence said taking the key she had around her neck hidden under her corset.

Opening the door for Victoria within seconds of Miss Florence removing the key from the lock Victoria pushed open the door wasting no time rushing to Johnathan's cot side. Picking him up quickly holding him in her arms rocking him lightly as she kissed his forehead over and over again with a smile plastered on her face.

"Oh , Johnathan. I was worried sick. I am so glad you are safe." Victoria says to Johnathan as tears began to brim in her eyes.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you out of my sight. Its too dangerous now." Victoria said as Miss Florence watched from the distance giving Victoria some space.

Victoria looked to the window as she heard a cannon shot and a rumbling of what sounded like horse hooves and shouting outside the window. Victoria instinctively pulled Johnathan closer to her chest wrapping her arms around his little body as tight as she could without hurting him.

"Your majesty it is not safe you have to leave." The Soldier said and Victoria turned around

"You didn't stop us getting in her , so how can I now trust you to protect my precious little boy." Victoria says to the soldier walking over to him

"I am sorry your majesty it won't happen again." The solider said avoiding Victoria's piercing gaze

"You are lucky Johnathan is safe. If he wasn't you would never have seen the light of day. Now I am going to take Johnathan with me back to my chambers." Victoria said and the soldier faltered under her gaze.

"I shouldn't allow you to do this your majesty but I have a feeling you will not take no for an answer." The soldier states fixing his gaze slightly above Victoria's head

"You are correct. Now you are dismissed. Help barricade the north side. We need all the protection we can." Victoria states with authority and power radiating from her.

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