7. Dearest Victoria

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They kissed. Lord Francis and Lady Niomi kissed in the royal gardens. Which was frowned upon in this game until you were in wedlock. Was he always one for something that broke the rules. First begged for her now running to Lady Niomi.

"Where is Professor Gulliver. I need to speak to him about a rule break." Victoria asked Miss Florence snapping out of her daze

"Should be in his office Miss Teller." One of the maids mumbled folding a dress.

Heading straight out of the downstairs across campus to Professor Gulliver's office which was situated in Claringdon house. A beautiful home with the most magnificent array of flowers in the conservatory. They served as a comforting place for Professor Gulliver in times of stress and anguish. It's occasional mists felt refreshing on his tickle pink flesh. His hair that was usually styled perfectly fell and clung slightly to his forehead from the water droplets. Sticking his head in one of his many favourite books. Not caring how battered and torn up the books got. It gave it character. Was what he always said. Victoria found him tucked up in a corner of the conservatory by a section of red and white roses that intertwined around and above the bench he was sat on.

" professor Gulliver I would like to report a rule break." Victoria states looking to the ground.

" that would be the fifth rule break this month. Can't these stupid royals keep their attire on," professor Gulliver grumbled never looking up from the tattered book.

" it was Lord Francis and Lady Niomi sir. In the garden grounds of House Demure. I saw it from the downstairs as I was washing the King's mistresses' underskirts." Victoria states and he nods turning the page in his book still not looking up

" very well Victoria. But you must be getting back, as long as they both marry now all should be fine. If not an heir will take Lord Francis' place in the royal family of house demure. Which would be you if the King's mistress picks you as her favourite maid." Professor Gulliver says turning anther page of his book which fell into his hand and out the book as he pulled on it.

" I hope so sir." Victoria smiles watching the man mumble to himself moaning about his tattered book having to be mended again.

" now run along Victoria if you want that opening then you must get on that mistresses' good side." Professor Gulliver dismisses with a light wave of his hand still not looking from the book.

Making Victoria grumble herself heading back to house demure to wash the mistresses' underskirts , dresses , gloves , petticoats. Everything. All she could hope was that she would pick her if Lord Francis and Lady Niomi were to keep their secret hidden and not admit their feelings publicly for one and other. Only time would tell if they would rather lie or tell the truth. But that's how play the game. Victoria thought as she kicked up the pebbles lining the house demure drive accidentally hitting one of the flower pots with one of the stones. Thankfully it didn't smash but it made an awful noise. So awful the house dog cried and hid from it. Even the dog in house demure was pathetic. How was this house ever going to win the crown of the country.

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