32. Meetings with the Elise

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Victoria rushed up to Francis' office to be in time for the meeting with the King and Queen of the Elise family. Francis kissed her forehead as she tried to sooth Johnathan's cries. Francis talks over the recent papers he signed to Victoria to hear what she thought of them and Victoria's response is usually.

"Darling , just tell me if it is a good or bad thing for the country I don't understand all these numbers you are using and what they mean in context. "

and Francis would usually smile and joke.

"I will be the strategy brain and you can be the strength of the brain in between being a mother to Johnathan." making Victoria smile

Miss Florence enters the office after knocking once and curtseys towards Francis and Victoria.

"King Sebastian , Queen Mary of the Elise family are here to see you." Miss Florence said and Francis nodded

"Send them in. Thank you Miss Florence." Francis states as he takes Johnathan from Victoria's arms

"Would you like me to take Johnathan from you until the meeting is over." Miss Florence asks and Victoria nodded

"Yes please Miss Florence Johnathan is starting to get restless and this meeting will run into his nap time." Victoria says and Francis hands Johnathan to Miss Florence making him begin to cry and scream at being away from his mother

"Oh , sweetheart its ok darling mummy isn't going anywhere I promise. You will be alright. Mummy will be back soon. Don't cry." Victoria tries desperately to console Johnathan but he was not listening as he didn't like being in arms that were foreign to him.

So Victoria takes Johnathan back off of Miss Florence and he immediately stops crying. Which makes her smile as she hated seeing how distressed Johnathan became by not being close to his mother.

"Johnathan is the first child I have ever seen in my history of working with House Demure to have this type of bond with his mother. I shall leave him with you then and send in the Elise family." Miss Florence says and heads to the door to allow the Elise family in

"Sebastian , Mary it is good to see you again." Francis says and they all take a seat as Mary's eyes widen at the sight of Johnathan

"Is that little Johnathan?" Mary asks and Victoria smiles and nods.

"Yes it is , he was meant to go to the nursery but as soon as Francis handed him to Miss Florence he became distressed so we decided against it." Victoria admits shocking Sebastian and Mary

"Johnathan won't go to a nanny." Sebastian states in shock

"Victoria has been his sole carer for months , he has probably gotten used to it. But when he is nearing his first birthday we are going to start reducing his time with us so he can meet other children and have an enriched playtime that we can't exactly give him ourselves at House Demure." Francis states and Sebastian and Mary are still in shock

" You two are amazing parents juggling the family and the needs of Johnathan without a nanny." Mary says as Johnathan starts to grab at things on the table.

Making Victoria move all the sharp objects away from him handing him a teddy that Francis keeps on his desk to entertain Johnathan when he and Victoria have an important meeting. Johnathan hugged the teddy tightly and started to scream with happiness as he tried to bite its head drooling all over it. Making Sebastian and Mary turn their nose up at his actions. Since they had never seen a child this close doing such a thing.

"Does he ever try to chew your clothing." Mary asks

"he usually goes for pulling hair more often as it is easier to grab so I normally have my hair up and out of his reach." Victoria answers and Mary nods thinking of another question

"Do you still have time to host banquets and balls since you are his sole carers?" Sebastian asks and Francis smiles

"yes of course we do we just bring Johnathan along with us." Francis answers and again Sebastian and Mary are shocked

"A child to the banquets and balls you two are something else." Mary whispers in disbelief

"Hasn't House Demure always been different." Francis says

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