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005. | ❛ we found her.

The snow danced along the sides of the mountain, with the temperature plummeting every single minute

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The snow danced along the sides of the mountain, with the temperature plummeting every single minute. It would be hell for anyone who had to be caught in a perfect snowstorm. For everyone was in their homes snuggled up with their family next to the fire. But on such a bad snowstorm, a woman shrieked painfully in the night whilst everyone was asleep in a cave tucked away in Norway.

The sweat pouring down her face after constant contractions, and the stubborn child that she was expecting didn't want to be born just yet. After a gruesome long 16 hours, the baby was born with brown locks and had a smile so bright that could melt the snowstorm outside.

"What shall you call her?"




The tapping of his foot hitting the floor kept the pace for the room, what he felt was almost too good to be true that the one that breath fire was still alive after all this time. Whatever you heard about the fire breather was either false of true but nobody could determine what was real or not. He couldn't remember exactly when Seraphina decided to simply vanish out of thin air. But it was agreed that it was a heartbreak his family couldn't support after all this time. Every moment for the past 700 years was spent trying to find the mysterious yet magical creature. He couldn't die in peace if she was still missing, but his darling sister seemed to have been known to cover her tracks.

That was one trait he knew that she had to acquire from their genes. Sending various people on missions to find out what they could about the disappearing princess, who looked different since she disappeared. When a person came back with a new picture of his sister, he was taken back from her sudden appearance. She no longer had the brown locks nor did she have the jade eyes that reminded him of grass.

She was different.

Her crimson hair took over her brown one, and the jade eyes seemed to have gained a dark color but what he couldn't understand was the change in appearance. It was only a couple of months later did he get what truly happened to her, she had become a totally different creature. The scaled, winged lizard was her sister's new form and perhaps why she ran away but he knew that something didn't click.

Seraphina loved her family more than anything and wouldn't just dozy off without a word. She cared more than that. She loved more than that.

After that last picture, he didn't receive news on her until the bridge incident. How washed up she seemed, and how the brown locks started fading back in. At that time, he sent his best men to make sure that they didn't lose sight of her and that's when he received more news.

Emilia walked in with more papers in hand and a worried face on her face, "Brother, I finally pieced it together. After so long."

"What, Emilia. What did you find out?"

"Loki. He did this to us, to our family, to our kingdom. He was the one who made Seraphina disappear, claiming she was a threat to the throne. Possibly making her the way that she is, a dragon."

"If Loki confessed then shouldn't he know where she is?"

"For that, I didn't need Loki's help. Instead, I found this." Emilia passed the photo along, one of Seraphina cautiously hugging a man that had a perfect upper body structure, in a location he was all to familiar with.

"Thor, we found her. We found Seraphina. She could come home."

"Emilia, I wouldn't be so sure. Loki clearly made Seraphina forget all memories from Asgard or else she would come looking for us and the Seven Realms.  How are we so sure that she wants to return?"

"Because she's the Queen of Dragons, and if Seraphina's been alone all this time then she would love to have a family."

"Let's go get the Queen."

⎡ ❝she's made her life, if she doesn't want to come home then we respect her decision.❞
emilia odinson

[author note]

double update and I'm such a mastermind to this and you'll get some more Steraphina next chapter.

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