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018. | ❛ you have wronged us.

Black was all Seraphina could remember, and all she could see when she woke up despite the one flickering light that gave a signal to where Seraphina was

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Black was all Seraphina could remember, and all she could see when she woke up despite the one flickering light that gave a signal to where Seraphina was. She looked down at her hands to see restrains holding her down and the same could be said for her legs. She tried heating up the arm rests but the metal wouldn't change state, if anything her own element was turning on her. The metal was heated and was burning her on her forearm. Seraphina tried to fight on her restrains but all that it produced was tears sprouting in her eyes.

Who could've taken her? She tried to rule out all the possibilities, the only one being that her brother Loki had taken her again or that she was in Asgard. She also tried to figure out why Alessandra wasn't there to protect her. Perhaps she did and Seraphina didn't know or they could've gotten to Alessandra and knocked her out. Everything was so quiet when she was attacked, it seemed planned in her opinion that she was kidnapped when she was alone at night. If it was planned then they must know of Seraphina's current state, who she was, what she was, and what they were messing with.

On the inside, Seraphina could feel small movements and the urge for throwing up. But if the people behind this didn't know Seraphina was pregnant then throwing up could blow her over.

The loud creak of the metal door made Seraphina met the gaze of the person who had enter. Turning on the lights, the person was revealed to be a man with dark brown hair, who held an emotionless face until he locked eyes with Seraphina, which caused him to show his malevolent smile.

With the lights on, Seraphina could get a clearer view of the room with a metal medical table having lined up medical tools, which she could only expect for the worse. But she was more thrown off by the creepy man walking circles around her before taking Seraphina's face in his hand, putting all his pressure to getting a good grab on her face. She quivered which was the sign of fear but she couldn't let them break down her walls. Holding her face, he examined closely all the creases of her face and the color of her eyes, going in to whisper in her ear, "You're dead."

The sound of the door opening up again was what caused the man to let go of Seraphina's face, leaving an imprint on her face. The new figure was a woman, a pretty slim one who had the look of murder in her eyes when she saw Seraphina. Her demeanor changed completely when she caught a glimpse at the dragon tied up, scared shitless, and unaware of what was going to happen. She made her way over to Seraphina, who was still reeling all her tears in. The woman grabbed Seraphina's face the way the man did but instead licked the side of Seraphina's face, causing Sera to squirm at the gesture. That's exactly what the woman wanted, to make Seraphina squirm in fear and get ready for what was about to come.

"You probably don't even know who we are, do you Queen Seraphina?" The woman said letting go of Seraphina's face and going over to the medical table where the man stood. Seraphina  nervously nodded side to side because she's never seen faces so maleficent before.

The response wasn't received well with the woman, who laughed it off before throwing a knife in Seraphina's direction flying by her but not hurting her. "Are you scared? Do you want to go back to your family? Is that what the queen wants?" The woman spoke in a baby voice before retreating back to her normal one. "Because it's never what the others want, it's only what the queen deems necessary. You've wronged us multiple times. You have a bunch of people pissed off, you know? But you're soon going to get what's coming to you. They also do."

"You're asking yourself, why do they look so evil aren't you?" The man asked Seraphina who didn't even want to speak because if she did, she didn't even know what would happen to her. The simple silence was answer enough for the man to continue, "Take a wild guess. Or should I help you?" The man knelt down in front of Seraphina, who was face to face with the man's eyes who turned dark with his pupil turning yellow. Seraphina started to breath unevenly finally being able to piece who they were. She was kidnapped by dark dragons.

"That's not even the best part Goddess Seraphina. We asked ourselves who else hates the mother of dragons who also hates the company she works for? And then it clicked so perfectly, that our plan was one they couldn't deny. After all who doesn't want the DNA of the most powerful dragon alive?" The woman said, making Seraphina shudder and tremble at the words she spoke. "But don't worry, it won't hurt us. It'll only hurt you, and that's what we intend on doing." The woman jabbed a needle into Seraphina. But instead in extracting blood then injected her with a serum that started to make her dizzy, her vision was staring to become blurry.

The two figures were by the metal door, ready to leave when they offered Seraphina a small piece of advice, "You won't get out of this one. Let's just hope that maintain that pretty face of yours, darling."

⎡ ❝there is no redemption for them, they're lost souls.❞⎦


[authors note]

Leslie Anne Huff as Cassandra Malevison (dark dragon)

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Leslie Anne Huff as Cassandra Malevison (dark dragon)

Leslie Anne Huff as Cassandra Malevison (dark dragon)

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Chris Wood as Nikolai Malevison (dark dragon)

this just got that much hotter
(bad pun?) who's the new mysterious person?

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