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014. | ❛ are there other dragons?

All of the Avengers weirdly sat in the living area, making eyes at Alessandra trying to figure her out

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All of the Avengers weirdly sat in the living area, making eyes at Alessandra trying to figure her out. From how she acted to the wave she moved, it was a striking resemblance to Seraphina. Protectors often contain some of the same traits that the dragon does in order to understand their dragon better, often making them better at comforting them and their emotions. Alessandra didn't mind the staring, she was just worried about Seraphina. It was her duty to The Prince of Asgard to protect his little sister and also to her oath as a protector. Nobody gave out any information about her condition but Alessandra knew that the blond man was with her.

"So you're a protector?" Tony asked making Alessandra snap her neck towards her direction in a stiff motion.

"One of many." She coldly replied to Tony before focusing all her attention on the door that contained her way to Seraphina. Alessandra needed to keep calm knowing that the people around her where suspicious of what she was saying, and giving them answers to their questions was the only way she'd get to Seraphina.

"Did they assign you to Seraphina or did you choose her?" The man with the metal arm asked Alessandra who still kept her eyes on the door.

"We train our whole life to be protectors, and are torn away from our family in order to follow the code that pertains to being a protector. None of us choose who we get, we're assigned to our dragons based on various different tests. Your life isn't important as the dragon, all that matters is keeping him or her safe. It's kind of what you people call soulmates, that's what a protector is to a dragon without the romance."

"There are other dragons?" Tony asked. Alessandra was starting to got irritated by the questioning of all of the others.

"There are billions of others. Dark, water, earth, the list goes on and on."

"Water dragons? Dark dragons? This is all getting so bizarre." Tony felt like all this information was too much and decided to get a drink.

"Bizarre is an understatement. Water dragons are the most kindest of all, being extremely delicate and like the fire dragon are rare to find. Even though they are opposite elements, they are what you people call 'BROTP'. But the dark dragons speak for themselves, that's why protectors existed. To be there for the dragons, the most rare and mystical, if the dark dragons where to attack. Especially to the queen of all dragons who now has the memories of Asgard, she's in trouble of them coming here and claiming what is hers. And frankly I'm tried of answering all your questions. I want to see Lady Seraphina and then I'll answer whatever you want." Alessandra angrily said being face to face with Tony, who held a long stare deciding whether or not to believe her motives.


After Steve took Seraphina out of the woman's arms, he didn't head to the medical center. He knew he had to get Seraphina to her source, her fire. Looking down at her, she wasn't conscious to know that she arrived back on Earth or that she was in the arms of her love. Her hair was like the first time that saw her when she was in the river. Nothing was evening out, Seraphina wasn't wet from water, she wasn't spitting fire balls out, she wasnt injured yet something was causing her to drain all of her energy. He tried finding a source of fire the best that he could but he was running out of options.

A dark haired woman turned the corner with no awareness of what Steve was doing, "Hey Steve, I was wondering if you've seen Vis-" Wanda stopped herself when she saw exactly what Steve was holding  with an anguished and desperate look on her face. "What happened?" Wanda rushed over to Steve, pushing Seraphina's hair to the side and trying to find the source of her unexpected draining.

"Wanda, we need to get her to-"  Steve wasn't cut off by Wanda but he drained his voice out by the situation that he couldn't fix. Wanda rushed Steve to the nearest room that existed with Seraphina in his hands. He placed her on the bed with her head laying on his lap, and Wanda placing her hands on her head pacing the room before coming to Seraphina's side.

"We need to replenish her source of energy, but there isn't any fire anywhere Wanda. Without it, she's going to die."

"We might not have fire but we can imitate it," Wanda said moving her hands in a graceful way producing the red energy. She made it into a ball of energy hovering it around Seraphina, being careful not to make the source of power touch her. Wanda must've rotated the ball back and forth trying to replenish her source of energy but it seemed like it only got her a small bit of her redness back in her hair. Wanda was growing tried of rotating it back and forth, putting her hands down to her sides for a break. Trying to save Seraphina's life was putting an end to Wanda's energy source.

"It's like her body is slowly absorbing the heat but not like it should. The heat brought back a little flare in her hair and color back to her skin but she's still going to need to regenerate to get her up and moving."

"What do we do, Wanda?" Steve asked still holding Seraphina's head in his lap, stroking her cheek ever so softly. She wasn't cold anymore but she still wasn't warm enough.

Wanda's head stroke up an idea  "When Seraphina was put under our care, she stayed in a room with a fireplace. All we need to do is get her there." Wanda jumped off the bed and started to make her way to the door already knowing the Captain's response.

"Lead the way." Steve grabbed a hold on Seraphina in his brooding and muscular arms once again hurrying along to the room where Natasha and Seraphina once met.

Steve busted the door open trying to find the fireplace, once it was located he cautiously placed Seraphina in front of it with Wanda striking up a spark to get the fire going. With her ball of energy, Wanda made the fire spruce good and nice and giving the heat a glow that would normally happen around Christmas. When everybody would gather around the fire and roast marshmallows. But instead of roasting marshmallows, they were saving someone's life.

Wanda raised Seraphina's hand to place it near the fire but being stopped but a muscular hand grabbing both of their hands. "What are you doing?"

"Steve, I know what I'm doing." Wanda urged trying to place Seraphina's hand in the fire but getting shouted at by Steve.

"You're going to hurt her, Wanda."

"Steve, please. Fire can't kill a dragon." Wanda sassed and finally being able to place Seraphina's hand in the fireplace. They both looked at her hand and how it wasn't effected by the fire and no burns were appearing on her skin. Wanda did know what she was doing because it was bringing Seraphina back to her normal state slowly. It was enough for Seraphina to wake up from the darkness that she was in and finally seeing the light of her family.

She tried to utter words but none were coming out with Steve just hushing her to not strain herself, "Thanks to Wanda you're okay. Don't worry, you're back here with me. You'll be okay."

⎡ ❝alessanda, don't worry. it's just steve, you don't have to protect me from him.❞⎦
seraphina stark/ odinson

[author note]

what do you think seraphina had?

I also want to explore Wanda's relationship with Seraphina and plenty more is coming and it will almost literally have you at the edge of your seat.

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