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019. | ❛ fire meets its opposite.

When Seraphina woke up again, it wasn't in the cold, damp room they placed her in

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When Seraphina woke up again, it wasn't in the cold, damp room they placed her in. She still tried to pull her restraints off but they felt tighter than ever. Rest assured that the room they had her in was still cold but it was different. Now, she was facing the opposing wall with a stranger facing her. The stranger was a female with locks of blonde hair, bruises lining her arms, and a certain paleness that made Seraphina worry for her sake.

Seraphina was malnourished, she couldn't tell what time of day it was, and the only thing she held onto was hope. Hope that her kidnapers wouldn't figure out she was pregnant with a super soldier serum flowing through its veins. The kidnappers claimed to be dark dragons working with Hydra, and dragons could tell when others are pregnant much like Alessandra, if they train hard enough. If they did find out, then that baby would be ripped away from her arms and would probably grow up and trained to be a assassin.

The stranger breathed in and out, and in a snap she woke up as if she was turned on like a robot. She lifted her head and Seraphina could see the deep ocean color of the stranger's eyes. Her eyes felt reassuring like the wave of her eyes calmed the uneasiness out of her. It seemed to be the same feeling for the stranger, she looked straightly into Seraphina's eyes staring into her blazing eyes. Both felt reassured just by one look into each other's eyes, instantly being the thing that put out the fear they felt.

"Pardon my staring, your ladyship. I've never wanted to create any of the awkwardness, Queen Seraphina." The stranger's words flowed like a accent she knew all to well. The diction of her people, the Asgardians, the dragons.

"A water dragon, aren't you?" Seraphina asked softly.

"Fire meets its opposite," The woman smiled before introducing herself, "Marilla Morison, my queen."

"Please call me Seraphina, ever since getting captured I feel like calling me a queen isn't appropriate term to call me anymore. I've hardly been a queen, the way those people see me as if I was the one who did something wrong. Like I'm to blame for losing my memories and not being the true queen that the dragons deserve. Call me Seraphina because queen I never was." Seraphina shed a tear as if she was renouncing her title as queen. But she was right, she was never queen, hell she wasn't even a princess to Asgard. How could she be a queen to dragons?

"Don't ever say that Queen Seraphina. Because that's what you are, you are the Queen. The dark dragons are people who have gone off the edge, who no longer have innocence, who no longer have hope. You have never been anything, you have always be the blood of the dragon and will be for the rest of us. Don't let yourself be bullied by them, they have never been satisfied in their life and don't even comprehend the damage they are doing. In the eyes of the rest of us, you'll always be the mother of dragons." Marilla's eyes beamed a wave of clear blue that connected once again to Seraphina's heart, calming her down.

"What is it that whenever you speak you seem to calm me down?"

"It's the same reason that hearing you calms me down. Our elements are the most rarest and powerful amongst all. The water dragons delicateness is our specialty." Marilla said. But every time Marilla spoke she remained calm, without a care of where they were.

"How do you remain calm? Because I'm scared out of my mind with what they'll do to me."

Marilla smiled at Seraphina, "Because we're going to get saved, I choose to believe that we'll get saved. That's why you shouldn't be afraid or the..." She cut herself off by a weird gesture from her hands. Marilla was pulling her restraints signaling towards her belly to signify Seraphina's child. "Don't worry. It's okay."

Marilla believes that they would get rescue, Seraphina best guess was that Steve would come because she knew he wouldn't stop searching for her. All instant conversation was cut off by the rattling of the door, instantly being received by a vindictive smile from the female dark dragon. "It seems that you two have gotten acquainted, that's good. I guess you haven't gotten my name, my name is Cassandra Malevison and this is going to be fun."

Cassandra kept twirling around both of their chairs, before placing her hand on Seraphina's face, embedding her nails into her face until she drew some blood. Cassandra licked the blood off her face before it started healing in its own. She made her way over to Marilla, who maintained her strong and calm figure. Cassandra pushed a piece of hair out of Marilla's face before raising her chin up to meet hers. She took a minute looking at her, before rolling her eyes and clawing Marilla on her arms. Before coming to her senses and lifting herself off her knees and taking one last look at Seraphina and giving them a piece of advice, "you should be scared of what's to come."

When she left, Seraphina felt even more scared for what's going to happen. Seraphina looked over to Marilla who no longer held her composed self. Marilla was now shedding tears in her eyes, if Seraphina was unchained then she'd go over and give her a hug.

"Marilla, look at me." Seraphina said causing her to look up and stare into the fire breather's eyes. The blazing red eyes seemed to calm down Marilla's fear like Marilla did to her. "If theirs any advice I can offer is to appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak."

"Well my queen let's just hope that whatever's going to save us comes quick. For my sake and most importantly yours."

⎡ ❝hello.❞⎦


[author note]

isabel durant as marilla morison

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isabel durant as marilla morison

fire finally meets its opposite! who do you think the new mysterious person? one hint is that it is someone in the mcu

this chapter is dedicated to
-voidPietro who helped me sort out my ideas for this book.

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