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007. | ❛ you're not just a goddess.

Seraphina couldn't comprehend what she had just heard

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Seraphina couldn't comprehend what she had just heard. She had a family, she had a siblings, and she didn't ponder that she was also a goddess. Nothing in her long life on this earth could've prepared her for this situation. She held onto Steve's arm and slowly backing away from everyone.

Every sound that existed in the room, the pleas, the loving words exchanged between her siblings, Seraphina just couldn't deal with it today or ever. All her life Seraphina lived by herself sometimes struggling to even find food to ease her hunger. She's never known affection or what it meant to have a family because she was abandoned. A word that would always haunt her her whole life. Every scar, every decade, every face would reminder her of her burden on this earth.

The only voice she focused on was that of her brother's who was pleading with her to listen to his side of the story. "We didn't abandon you, all this time we've been looking for you. And we did. We found you. I can't imagine what you've gone through this entire time."

Seraphina took what Thor said to heart and certainly was angering the fire breather by the note in hair color. She started to let go of Steve's hand to be closer to her family.

"You're right about one thing, brother. You can't imagine what I've been through. Let's start with how I managed to survive all this time or how many times I tried to kill myself because of my abandonment issue. Or how about not having a family for over decades! What about the stories they tell about me? The dangerous and fearful dragon that ruins very thing she touches, do you know what it's like to be labeled as a monster? I was left abandoned with nothing. No food, no home, no family, nothing. Why? If you claimed to have loved me so much, why did you abandoned me?" Seraphina angrily asked, being the only one who was raising her voice.

"It wasn't us, it was our half brother Loki, God of Mischief. He casted you to live on Midgard, none of us knew what happened to you. Conspiracies rose that you abandoned us, but we held onto hope because you loved us, you loved your family to much to leave them. We received word that you were here, here on Midgard living for all these years. And if you would like, we would love to take you home." Emilia spoke calmly to Seraphina, who was building up a wall to her siblings.

Seraphina noticed that she was the only one of her siblings with red hair that changed. Her siblings had golden hair, the complete opposite of her hair color. It's at this time that Seraphina noticed how pissed she was with everything, with her half brother, with her family taking so long to find her, or even how they were fighting in front of all the people that she considered family. The Avengers realized how Seraphina was one word from exploding hell on everyone.

ᶠⁱʳᵉ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵗʰᵉʳ ▸ 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora