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003. | ❛ you're the guy from brooklyn.

Seraphina couldn't wrap her head around at how the people here were so willing to help her even though she felt dead inside

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Seraphina couldn't wrap her head around at how the people here were so willing to help her even though she felt dead inside. What Natasha told her was to go to the training room, where a man called Steve Rogers, the one that saved was going to train her. She didn't know why she needed training, that's the last thing she needed. Being alive for millions of years taught her to survive, to live only be her own means, to rely on herself without anybody because that's how she's been living. Alone.

The training room consisted of various different equipment that Seraphina wasn't familiar with. The only weapon she ever had was her temper. The temper that can start a war and finish it in the same second. The sound of thumping kept hitting a bag, back and forth, yet she couldn't see the face of the person.

Saying that cats were the only animals that were curious was an understatement. Dragons certainly were the most curious and not knowing when to stop, often leading to their deaths.

The punching bag was hit with great force and was so close to hitting Seraphina's face when she caught it. The man who's face she could see was surprised, as was everybody at the sight of the mystical creature. Once she let go of the bag, the man kept looking at her but not in a surprised way anymore. More in a way of adoring how she wasn't broken like he found her, but more of a strong woman.

"Are you going to keep staring at me?" Seraphina broke the silence of his awkward staring.

The man started stuttering in a way that made it even more awkward, "Yeah, um, I'm Steve Rogers." He went to shake her hand but felt the heat from her hands. Either way he supported the heat in a way to at least touch her.

"You're the guy from Brooklyn. You're Captain America."

"I guess so, Seraphina." The way that he said her name sent shivers down her back, the way it rolled of his tongue so well. Now it was Seraphina's turn to stare at Steve, taking note of his muscles, his golden hair, and how tight the shirt he had on looked. But unlike Steve, Seraphina didn't stare for long because she knew how to keep it subtle.

"Natasha said that you were going to train me?" Seraphina got back to what she was sent to do. She tied her hair up into a high ponytail, still being able to catch the vibrant red color, today for red than usual.

"Yeah, that's what we're here to do. Do you have any experience?"

"Define experience, because if you're insinuating something Captain, then I'll be waiting in my room." She winked while walking circles around him, leaving Steve a little flustered at her sudden flirting

"That's not what I meant. I meant do you have experience in-"

"Be careful what you say Captain or I'll take it the wrong way." She continued to speak in a seductive way making him blush. Her hair started to turn a seductive red, that was another weird dragon skill she had, her hair would adjust to her mood. Turning her angry would make it fire red and when extinguished it would turn its brown color.

"Am I making you nervous?" Seraphina whispered making Steve tingle. With one fatal swoop, Seraphina snaked her way around to pin Steve to the floor while he was flustered. Whoever said she needed training was a total noob to Seraphina's tactical force.

"To answer your question, yes. I do have experience." Seraphina pinned Steve's arms to his side, "In both regions."

She let him go but Steve wasn't going to let Seraphina off that easily. As she took off, Steve reached for her leg but then again it backfired on him. Pulling on her leg resulted in Seraphina landing on top of the super soldier. She saw that Steve was trying to play with her so she reached for his hand, unleashing her burning sensation that she had within.

Steve didn't let go of her hand, knowing what they were playing. Although it burned, Steve supported being in frozen ice he could support the burning sensation that was unleashing on his hand. Still having a grip on his hand, Seraphina boosted the ante and made it burning hot but not that it would permanently scar him. She saw how his face changed into unbearable pain, she started to feel sorry but then again he shouldn't have pissed off a dragon.

"Just say that I won, Captain. And all of this could end."

Steve tried holding on but at last he surrendered to the fire breather, who was victorious. He let go of her hand and was in pain but Seraphina felt a little guilty and reached for his hand again.

"I won't burn you again." Seraphina said handing her hand again but she felt Steve judging whether or not she was being truthful. "Dragons don't lie."

He handed his burning hand over to her but instead of feeling a burning touch again, he felt the firing sensation leave his hand. It was as if she was draining it from his hand. After a while, she let go with Steve once again being amazed by Seraphina's power.

"A piece of advice, Captain. Don't piss off a dragon." Steve nodded at her tip before giving her a tip of his own.

"You don't have to call me Captain. It's Steve."

"Okay, Steve. So I'll see you tomorrow."

⎡ ❝there's something different about her, and it's not because she's a dragon.❞
steve rogers

[author note]

do you ship steve and seraphina? because i sort of do. also double update, yay! who do you want her to meet next?

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