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004. | ❛ you saved me, thank

Little by little Seraphina was getting to know the Avengers, mostly spending her time with Natasha and on occasions she would see Steve but would avoid him

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Little by little Seraphina was getting to know the Avengers, mostly spending her time with Natasha and on occasions she would see Steve but would avoid him. She registered that Sam and Bucky combined were the funny duo, and that Wanda was like another version of her except not a dragon scaled monster. But Natasha said that she had a bunch of more people to meet, that only meant more anxiety for the girl.
Anxiety that she was being taught to manage by Wanda, another inhuman that also had difficulty controlling it. Wanda also taught Seraphina how to extend her powers further. In some trainings with Wanda, Steve would casually, although not subtlety, stroll by and check on how things were going from a see glass window that looked down on the training room.

Friday would freak her out when she said anything out of nothing. Technology advanced quicker than Seraphina realized since she was so detached from everything in the world after WWII. From what Friday told her, she said that Tony Stark was waiting for her to give her an analytical evaluation.

Seraphina thought she got lost in the way because the room seemed empty, and upon entering Tony came running from around the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I got held up doing stuff." Tony smiled in a way that seemed creepy insinuating something that probably wasn't.

"Sexually or?" Seraphina asked with Tony giving back a simple smile.

"You're my new favorite," Tony patted her shoulder which seemed once again awkward. He sensed that Sera didn't like that and simply made a note that he wouldn't do that again. He led Seraphina into the room which she thought was a integration room but turned out to be normal room that resembled a living room.

Seraphina sat in the chair but Tony didn't seem to like being seated in a chair. The conversation started off casual slowly luffing into a more delicate topic especially of how her origin came to be.

"My father would tell me stories about you. About the fire breathing lizard that was docile but vicious at the same time. That her face never changed, that she stayed the same beautiful red haired woman that people would only catch a glimpse at her. And I wondered for so long how it would be like to touch one, ride one, have a conversation with one. For my birthday, Christmas, and any other holiday I would ask for a magical creature. But alas, the creature was hidden from all sight to never be seen again."

"Until now," Seraphina added on to his sentence. She pulled up her sleeve showing her forearm to Tony, and with a sudden huff the present that Tony always wanted was revealed. Seraphina's forearm turned a maroon color and slowly started to transform into a different substance than skin. Scales started being revealed, the reddish orange ones that she had been accustomed with.

Tony was astounded seeing his birthday present for over 10 years being played out before his eyes. He was afraid that if he even blinked the sight before him would go away as fast as it came. His hand hovered around her forearm scared to touch it but he so badly wanted to. It was after a reassuring glance from Sera that made it okay that he could touch it.

What he always dreamt of played out differently in his head yet still lived up and exceeded his expectations. Just like that the magical moment was over, the scales started disappearing and the skin took its place again. For the first time that they were in the room Tony actually sat down.

"Why did you show me that?"

"You saved me, thank you. That me present to you." Seraphina said. "You know most the majority of my life I felt cursed. Unwanted or in some cases, a threat. I never expected for any of this to happen to me and I don't even know how it happened. As if one day to another, I suddenly had intense crimson hair as opposed to my hazel one. Everyday on this earth is so repetitive at times that it everything dating back to the 1900 seems like a blur. Many people think that I hide where I came from but in reality I can't remember. I don't remember where I grew up, who were my parents, if I had any siblings, everything that once mattered in the world was brainwashed from me. I kind of wished I had a last name, it makes it feel homey and I never had a place to call home."


"Excuse me?"

"Seraphina Stark, that's your new last name."

"Tony, you don't have to-"

"You're a Stark and that's final."

⎡ ❝there is word on the one that they call the dragon.❞

[author note]

feels, also im also dead from school. and mystery person? who do you think she is?
and steve and seraphina ship name is #steraphina

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