twenty one.

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021. | ❛ i'm okay.

The medical team did their best at assessing Seraphina's current state, checking to see if the baby was okay and if the amount of energy she required was filled

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The medical team did their best at assessing Seraphina's current state, checking to see if the baby was okay and if the amount of energy she required was filled. All of the exams they preformed was met with a positive response, passing all of them and stabilizing per normal. But Seraphina wanted to see if her fellow dragon was okay and what was of the unknown one that she saw.

She felt her baby stir as she laid in her hospital bed, watching random strangers pass by every now and then. Her hand found its way to her small belly swell when the person that rescued her showed up, Clint who was often mentioned by Natasha as a good bow and arrow man.

"I must offer you my thanks, Clint. Possibly if it wasn't for you then I'd still be there for god knows how long." She lifted herself up in a seating position as Clint bowed his head to her.

"Well I couldn't let Thor's sister be trapped by Hydra agents, could I? Everyone has been alerted that you have been rescued, and that you're safe and sound." Clint informed her while she peacefully exhaled outwards.

"What do you know of the others that were found? Marilla and the unknown?"

"Your water friend is going to be fine, and has been waiting to meet you but it was best for the moment that she shouldn't until you recovered. And the unknown remains as her name implies, unknown. She has woke up but can't remember her element."

Seraphina pressed her lips together, everything concerning the unknown was simply mysterious. Never had a dragon not identified its element. "Perhaps when my sisters visit they might offer their expertise."

"Well Seraphina, it's my job to inform you of what has happened and since I have fulfilled that arrangement... it's time for me to go on my way." Clint was almost out the door when Seraphina stopped him once again, still having questions that haven't been answered.

"What of the captured? Especially the dark dragons?" Clint shut the door when she finished her sentence.

"There have been no other sights of them. Best chance is that they fled."

"Where would they flee to? They will come back, certainly for me again, this can't-"

"It won't happen again, Seraphina. I can assure that agents are secure right outside your door, so it shouldn't be an issue. Plus, the Avengers are coming so you'll be more than safe." Clint reassured her going again for the door but stopped once again.

"I stayed in Avengers Tower and I was abducted, I had my protector in the room next to mine and they couldn't stop them from taking me. I am considered for my safety but more importantly of my fellow dragons that are also here." Seraphina held her side as she got out of her hospital bed standing face to face with Clint. "I am the Queen of Dragons and I am suppose to protect my own kin. Now Agent Barton, can you promise me that neither them or I, who carries a dragon within me, will get harmed?"

"I promise." Clint uttered this time finally being able to leave the room, and as he opened the door a tall suited man with the bluest of eyes stood in the doorway and burst in to hug his one true love.

Seraphina's eyes swelled with tears as her body was being crushed by Steve's but she was okay. She didn't mind that her body was going numb from his tight hug, she was in his arms that was all that mattered to her. Once the hug was out of the way, he proceeded to look at her face examine all the bruises and scars that she had endured from her captivity and started to kiss everyone of them until he found his way to her lips. The lips he cherished and hungered for the past weeks, applying his lips to hers was like paradise. And the final thing he did was drop to his knees and press himself to her small swell, and being one kiss to the baby while rubbing his hand over it.

"Are you alright?" He cupped her cheeks as she smiled at him for his protectiveness.

"I'm okay. I'm here, I'm with you. I'm okay." Seraphina said before she led herself back to her hospital bed as she sat on the edge. "Where is everyone? Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, Tony?"

"They're getting information from Clint about the rescue, no dark dragons to be found but two regular dragons in our hold."

"Can we see Marilla? She's the cellmate that I had, she's the water dragon and I have to see if she's alright." Seraphina started to have an uneven breathing pattern from worrying as she held a strong grip on Steve's hand.

"Lets see if we can." Steve said holding his two hands for her as she lifted herself up and draped her arm into Steve's as they walked to find Marilla. A very sweet Asgardian accent was the instant indicator of her friend, and walking in Marilla looked better than she did in the cell, but Seraphina missed the protector that was standing next to her which was Alessandra. She went to hug her protector who stood firmly before wrapping her arms around the fire dragon.

"It's nice to see you Lady Seraphina." Alessandra said.

"Enough with the formalities, call me Seraphina as I call you Alessandra." She smiled before heading to Marilla's side.

"It seems that our queen dragon has improved in health much as I have." Marilla sat up accepting Seraphina's widespread hugs that generated warmth.

"Yes indeed, it seems that you've been getting better as well."

"Serpahina, is this the man you've spoken so highly about?" Marilla looked past Seraphina and directly at Steve who blushed at the sound of his name.

"Yes, very much so. And the father of my child." Seraphina smiled at her while Marilla introduced herself.

"Marilla, it's nice to meet you." She held her hand out while Steve went over and shook her hand. "Steve Rogers, it's nice to meet you ma'am."

"I was wondering if you've ever heard of an unknown dragon before?" She looked at both Alessandra and Marilla who in unison shook their head.

"It is unheard of, Seraphina. Why are you asking such a bold question?" Alessandra asked.

"That's what we found, an unknown dragon. No element. It's quite peculiar." Seraphina pressed her lips together as she heard a beeping of sorts coming from the room across.

Seraphina with Alessandra's help, went to the room adjacent of theirs and saw the unknown dragon that she was speaking of. Seraphina loomed closer with Alessandra, and Steve overlooking what was happening. As Seraphina proceeded, she examined the woman who was of brunette hair and of a slim body but she was longer moving forward of the support of Alessandra. When she noticed that Alessandra stood at the door, Seraphina urged her to come closer but the protector didn't move.

"Alessandra, what's going on?"

"Queen Seraphina, this unknown dragon you speak of is my sister. My sister Katia."



unfortunately this is the end of this book, and I will continue it once I have more time. School has really kept me busy, so I do love this book I've written and mxrvelous for giving me this magnificent plot.
I hope that I lived up to her expectations of Seraphina and CAN'T wait to continue this in the future.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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