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001. | ❛ she's kind of hot, no pun intended.


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Steve watched as Tony commanded Friday to pull up pictures of the supposed myth. The fire breather was certainly good at keeping her identity on the down low, it was a one of skill that was mentioned on her file. But every once in a while, the camera would catch a small glimpse of the girl with the a flash of fire in her eyes. All of the pictures were outdated, worn out, dated back to 1950. The only recent picture was captured in 2000, when Shield still wasn't aware of the girl's existence.

Many receipts were pulled up especially of a extensive hospital bill that wasn't paid. The date on the bill was of last week, on the account of drowning. The doctor made some notes on the side, claiming that the girl was deemed unstable.

"Tony, why are do you want to bring in a dangerous being?" Steve asked showing him the notes the doctor made.

"I was dangerous, why shouldn't we help her?" Bucky said still going over her information, "She's kind of hot, no pun intended."

Tony rolled his eyes and continued to talk to Steve, who was the only one of the men in the room that seemed to take this case serious.

"Seraphina has been around since god knows when, but she's a very liable asset to us. From her track record, it's clear that she seeks an end to life but some rare people she's been a helping hand. She's a dragon. A fucking dragon!"

"Language," Steve blurted out with Tony continuing his speech.

"She's is the embodiment of everything evil. Bringing her in will benefit her in the long run."

"I'm not sure you want to pull on that thread, Stark." Bucky crossed his arms over his chest, "Trust me, I know. If she's dangerous the last thing she wants is to be messed with."

A beeping alarm went off at the end of Bucky's sentence causing the men to get ready for action. "Friday, what's the status?"

"Seraphina, alias Dragon, has been located." The robotic voice informed the men.


"Floating in the Hudson River." All the men exchanged glances before hurrying out the door to be met face to face with the fire breather.



She looked down at the body of water below her, the waves clashing upon the rocks at the shore, the blueness of the river streaming a couple of feet below. She stood on the edge of the bridge and with a small shift, she would be in her descent to the river.

Seraphina took a deep breath and did a swan dive into the sea salt liquid, because she thought that if fire couldn't kill a dragon maybe water would. The impact with the water wasn't what bothered her, it was how comforting the water was to the girl that it seemed to extinguish the flame within her. Like the flame, her hair was also losing its spark. The crimson red was draining out of her with every passing minute she was in the water.

Seraphina didn't know how long she was in the water for but it had to be for at least an hour because the city landscape started to disappear. She managed to stay afloat for the duration that she was in the water. A flying object circulated the girl before diving down, that was the last thing she saw before the water consumed her.

"Does anyone know how to do CPR?" Tony asked bringing the pale girl to shore, with the Steve and Bucky looking at the unconscious girl. Before either could answer his question, it seemed that Seraphina was normalizing herself back to a stable state. She started coughing up the water clogged in her lungs, she moved so that she was on her side. The three superheroes looked at the girl but not because of her coughing state, but because of what was happening to her hair. The brownish hair that was extinguished started to get color from the sun shining directly on her, her hair soon got her fierce crimson look again.

Still coughing, Seraphina was no longer getting rid of water but releasing smoke. The three men got worried at what was happening to her when with one big cough, a huge wave of fire escaped the woman's mouth. It sent all of them into defensive mood but it didn't stop Bucky from having a nerd out in front of a dragon.

Seraphina laid back on the dirt but this time staying unconscious and leaving the men in shock. Steve made sure she was still alive by checking her heartbeat but he placed his hand in her forehead and was repelled by it.

"She's burning up, well she burned me. " Steve said shaking his hand and blowing on it to cool it down.

"She's a dragon, what do you expect?"

⎡ ❝call up romanoff, a redhead might be able to help out another redhead.❞
tony stark

[author note]

they are definitely in for the time of their life with this dragon, I'm already planning her origin and slowly I'm bringing the other marvel characters

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