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017. | ❛ soundproof their room.

The regime of Seraphina consisted of binge eating all the food in the refrigerator and sending the guys on runs for irregular cravings

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The regime of Seraphina consisted of binge eating all the food in the refrigerator and sending the guys on runs for irregular cravings. Strangely being dragonfruit, but she did crave other inhumane things like sex. Whenever she would crave it, the whole tower would unlikely hear it and be in a gruesome mood, hearing both of them consummating like bunnies. Last night was certainly one of those nights, Seraphina glowed innocently still on a high from it. Steve would draped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him with Seraphina nuzzling her face in his chest. She would always wake up before him and just stare at how lucky she got. She knew that Steve would watch her, possibly marveling at the darkness in her beauty. A darkness that could never escape her, no matter how hard she tried. But he could feel that her baby would be the start of a whole new age of innocence.

Today, Seraphina broke her routine trying to get an early head start on her day. That and she really had to pee badly. She was lured into the kitchen by the scent of Wanda's cooking. Everyday Wanda would prepare pancakes with whipped cream and blueberries to top it off partially for Seraphina because last time she didn't have breakfast, she took her anger out on Steve and not in a good way. Then again angry sex never ended in a good way not that either side was complaining.

Wanda graciously placed the plate of breakfast in front of Seraphina's usual place on the stool. She was at eight weeks and not even a small baby bump had appeared, Alessandra confirming that dragons show different signs of pregnancy than humans. And Seraphina was feeling those different signs to an extreme with the sex drive and the eating.

Seraphina gobbled her breakfast up in a giffy asking for more on the spot, which Wanda already knew would be the case. She would always be the first for breakfast and tried to be the one to finish it before everyone came down. On any regular day Seraphina would eat like three pancake plates and probably some bacon that was left over but she felt extra hungry today finishing almost five plates before Steve woke up. It was weird that he was sleeping for so long and every one was downstairs and awake.

"You're eating like a pig," Bucky went to grab the plate away from Seraphina, who growled at his attempt and ready to end him right then and there.

"Don't take my food unless you want to die, Barnes." Seraphina stared Bucky down until he was back in his seat, terrified of what Seraphina would do if he didn't sit down in his seat.

"Don't piss of the dragon, at eight weeks she'll basically eat you out alive." Alessandra sipped her tea watching the scene play out between the two.

"Should I piss off the dragon protector?" Tony poked fun at Alessandra, who didn't take it lightly.

"If you're flirting with me then you aren't doing a very good job at it." Alessandra burned another Avenger member so early in the morning.

"If you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen Tony." Steve yawned awake patting him on the back and going over to Seraphina to give her a good morning kiss. He leaned down to feast on her lips to which they looked ravishing to him, attaching his lips to hers was the only thing he ever needed. Even though it felt good to kiss each other, the others didn't like looking at it. Making vomiting noises and begging them to stop, but neither wanted to and see how long they could keep grossing out their teammates. Seraphina decided to pull away on the account of needing air and seeing how their teammates were practically disgusted by their PDA.

"If I could make I request can we get a heads up on the PDA?" Bucky asked Tony, "Also can we soundproof their room? Because being right next to them is the worst part at night."

"At least he's getting action, what are you doing?" Alessandra continued her burn going to get more tea.

"Two in one day, Alessandra's on a roll." Steve said taking his seat next to Seraphina.

"Her burn on Tony was better, she's uncensored and that's the protector I like." Seraphina ate more of her breakfast and saw Steve dig in her food but was stopped by her glare. "Touch my food again, you won't get another kiss from me."

"Don't mess with queen of dragons, Stevie."


After a big breakfast, Seraphina was always scheduled for a nap from which no one should wake her from. Alessandra explained how dragons side effects are normal, but when a dragon would get these effects nobody should ever mess with them. One time Bucky woke her up by accident not aware of the rule, and Bucky didn't come out of his room for a whole week.

She would normally sleep through the whole day and be up all night, which didn't provided her with much fun beside messing around with everyone's room, pissing off the really OCD people. Even Alessandra would get mad when her stuff was in disarray. And tonight was no different, with Seraphina not knowing what to do and aimlessly walking around without purpose in the tower.

But night was the best time of day because she could do whatever she wanted with people lurking over her shoulder. She went downstairs and decided to get the whip cream and spray it in her mouth. Filling her hunger needs, she laid on the couch hoping to fall back into her sleeping trance. Forcing herself to go to sleep, nothing seemed to work and she decided to head back to her room which she shared with Steve and give up.

Practically lulling herself to her room, she heard a noise that altered all her senses. It could be nothing because if it was Friday would inform her and everybody of an intruder. "Friday," Seraphina whispered as she tiptoed and made the slightest movement to not attract attention. "Friday," Seraphina whispered again louder not getting a response, and starting to freak out to why she wasn't responding.

Creeping up to her room, where at least she could be safe again in the arms of Steve. One more step would've secured that wished but it was the one step where Seraphina felt the drowsiness taking over her, and an unusual pain in her neck ultimately being taken over by the darkness, but not before hearing a unknown voice whisper 'we've got her.'

⎡ ❝we've been long overdue for a meeting.❞⎦

[author note]

dun dun dun !
told you it was going to be interesting

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