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Scorpius' P.O.V

          Three months in and I still hated school. It was bloody awful. I mean, you're thrown into a building with people you don't particularly like who don't particularly like you, it's torture. At least school would be done at the end of the year and I would be free.

            The bell sounded and I packed my stuff up quickly making my way out of the classroom that held me hostage for over an hour. I skidded out and then ran down the steps getting on my skateboard to ride home. It was a short ways from the school and I got there in no time. I walked through the door and immediately smelled food.

            "Mum?" I yelled from the foyer.

            "In the kitchen sweetheart." She yelled back. I kicked off my shoes and placed my skateboard against the wall. I walked out of the foyer passed the stairs and into the kitchen where my mother was.  "Hello love, how was school? I baked you some cookies."

            "School was alright and thank you." I acknowledged and sat on the stool at the island. She pushed the plate of cookies towards me. She was looking at the telly which was the news.

            Still no sign of Albus Potter, 15, who has been missing for a little over three months. Police intensify their search in hopes that he is still alive.

            The lady on the news said and a picture of the boy popped up on the screen. I had seen that face for three months now. Beautiful green eyes and messy black hair. He was smiling as he was riding a horse.

            "Poor thing." My mother muttered. "His parents must be worried sick."

            "Do you think he's dead?" I asked and my mother simply sighed.

            "That's not my place to answer."

            "Why not?" I asked. "I think he's alive."
             "I know Scorpius, you say this every day." She told me. "Now eat up." She directed and I ate a few more cookies before leaving the kitchen to go upstairs. I walked into my room and went straight for my laptop that was on my desk.  I sat down and I typed in Albus Potter. I found it strange that this kid just vanished and no one had heard from him.

            Boy Lost

            Albus Potter, 15, who vanished three months ago while on a family trip coming home from his grandparents has still not been found. His family reports that he wandered away as the family went to get gas.

            "He asked to stretch his legs and we had been in the car for a while. I told him he could but to stay close. When I turned around he was gone." Albus' father reports.  There have been other reports that many had seen the boy with an elderly man but other people report that he was seen wandering away in his lonesome.

            I scratched my face and typed in the story with the elderly man. I read up on that and then stories of Albus in general.  I must have been in my room for a while because a knock on my door scared me.

            "Scorpius." My father walked in.

            "Yes?" I asked and he looked at my laptop.

            "It's dinner time." He told me. Then he walked in and sat on my bed. "Scorpius, you need to end this little obsession with this boy." My father told me.

            "But da-"

            "No Scorpius, you have been looking up this boy for months now, almost since his disappearance, you need to focus on school." He told me.

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