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Scorpius' P.O.V

          I had always been a light sleeper, it's just the way I was. So when I heard a loud cry followed by some hushed voices, I sat up in bed.

            "It's okay Albus."  I heard. It was Ginny's voice. "You're okay." She told him. I crawled out of my bed and then to my desk to sit on top of it. I could see through the open window that Albus was cowering on his bed. Ginny, who I guess was sleeping in his bed with him, was trying to get him to uncurl himself. 

            "Psst." I whispered. Ginny looked up startled and looked around. "Over here." I told her and she looked through the window.

            "My goodness." She paled. "I didn't realize you were so close." She told me. "Did we wake you? I think he had a nightmare."

            "Yeah but its okay. I er... I just wanted to let you know to stroke his hair. It calms him." I told her and she blinked before nodding her head. She gently reached out her hand and touched him. I could tell he jerked but he whimpered and allowed her to do it. After a few short minutes she looked at me.

            "Thank you Scorpius, he's asleep again." She told me. "You can go back to sleep and thank you again for all your help."

            "It's nothing ma'am, goodnight." I told her and then crawled back into my bed. Silence filled the air and I slowly fell back asleep.

            I woke up the next morning and ate breakfast with my mum before planning on skateboarding to school. Yet when James walked out of his house he waved me over. So I smiled, put my board down and walked over to him.

            "Morning." He greeted.

            "Hey, going to school again?" I asked and he shrugged.

            "There's nothing I can really do at home, you know? Albus only is really attached to you." He frowned and I winced.

            "Yeah but he held your hand." I pointed out and he sighed.

            "True. Dad's still on leave so he is gonna try to get Albus to warm up to him as mum is gonna get him new clothes."

            "New clothes?"

            "Yeah all of his clothes are too big. He's tiny originally but he lost a lot of weight being kidnapped." He told me and I winced.

            "Sorry." I apologized and he gripped my shoulder.

            "Hey thanks to you, he's home." He told me and I gave him a small smile.

            "I guess so."

            "I know so." He grinned. "And he's getting better because of you." He told me and I smiled.

            "It's nothing really." I told him and then we walked into school. We got there kind of early so we hung out in the halls.  I was in a discussion with James about something when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and it was Rose.

            "Hi Rose." I greeted and she grinned.

            "Hey." She swallowed. "I haven't been able to see you in the last few days but my aunt told my dad about what you did." She told me and I glanced over to James and then back to her.

            "Is this about Albus?" I asked and her eyes lit up.

            "Yeah it is." She told me. "I wanted to thank you, on behalf of my family, about it. Thank you so much."

Small Spaces (Scorbus) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now