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Third Person P.O.V

          It was Albus' birthday which happened to fall on the day of Scorpius and James' graduation. Albus had always been a birthday brat he loved his birthday, unlike his boyfriend. However, he was really excited that he could share the day with Scorpius who was graduating the top of his class and giving a speech. James would not be giving a speech but he would be cheering on his good friend.

            As they got ready back stage, The Potter's and Malfoy's sat together near the front of the stage waiting for them to come out.  Albus was sitting next to Lily and Rose who were making him feel comfortable with the large crowd. 

            "It's such a nice day out." Ginny commented. "Guess we got lucky that it isn't raining."

            "Thankfully it's not raining, I'd rather do the ceremony out here than in the gym." Astoria replied. Ginny just smiled at her new friend. The pair got along great and discussed their sons getting married... playfully.

            "Albus, are you alright?" Harry asked.

            "Yes I'm good." Albus nodded. "The c-crowds don't bother me as much." He told his dad. He was doing well since Dom was sentenced. He was more relaxed and he seemed to be a lot happier. He had come such a long way in the seven months he was home. He gained almost all of his weight back and he was much more talkative like his usual self. Sure there were days he would wake up from a nightmare but his boyfriend was right there through the window and then there cuddling him.

            "I'm happy to hear that." Harry reached over Lily and stroked Albus' locks as Albus hummed in contentment.

            A lady in black dress robes walked over to the podium and tapped on the mic to get the attention of the audience.

            "Attention, attention please." She spoke. "As you know, I am Miss McGonagall. I'd like thank you all for coming and congratulate you on your child's achievements." She smiled. "Welcome the class of 2022."  She announced and every started to cheer as Scorpius started the line of people out onto the lawn to take their respective seats.

            After everyone was sat, McGonagall came back and talked for a bit about the hard working students. She talked about the grades and how they were overall the best grades of the year compared to former students. Finally, she introduced Scorpius to speak. He stood up and a lot of people cheered for him. His face was flushed with a blush by the time he got on to stage.

            "Hello." He greeted and people joined in a chorus of hello's themselves. "I've been trying to think of a great speech to prepare everyone for their futures. And I couldn't think of one." He explained and everyone laughed. "I don't think it really matters what I say up here because that's up to you. Your future is yours and after today, you can do whatever the hell you want with it.  If you want to become an actor go out and become an actor. If you want to be a doctor, go be a doctor. If your grades weren't the grade this year, well sod that. I hated school, I still do and look at me, I'm the top of the class. But do I want to be a doctor? No. Do I want to be a scientist or an actor? No. What do I want to do? I have no bloody clue, I'm only 18 years old. But I can tell you that when I finally choose what I'm gonna do, it's gonna be what I want because I control my future. And you control yours. So I say, do what makes you happy because it's your life not anyone else's."  Scorpius finished the speech and everyone erupted into cheers. Scorpius blushed heavily and then chuckled to himself. He leaned back into the microphone and add, "Also, I'd like to wish my boyfriend Albus a happy birthday. Happy Birthday sweetie." He cooed and everyone awed. Albus' face flushed in an embarrassment so he buried it into his hands. Scorpius sat down as McGonagall talked for a few moments before calling every graduating person up in alphabetical order.  Person after person was called and finally they got to the people of the hour.

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