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Scorpius P.O.V

          "So what made you come?" Harry asked me as we started off. I shrugged and said,

            "I wanted to his school. I mean, I heard the schools were different. Why didn't he go somewhere closer?" I asked.

            "This was the best alternative school we could find." He sighed. "We fought so hard to keep Albus in the school you are in but he was just doing poorly. We fought with him, grounded him, took away privileges and we ever threatened to kick him out. He was just not good at school." He told me and I raised an eyebrow. Wow they were harsh.

            "When did he leave?"

            "Last year actually. It was hard on him but he actually improved a lot at this school." He informed me and then made a left turn. "He was always a bright kid and I think he just didn't like studying."

            "No one does."

            "Right you are." He laughed. "He excelled in art. We met with his Art teacher and he told us that Albus was a good kid. It was the first time someone actually said that to us. Everyone always told us that he acted out and that he wasn't doing well. We didn't even know he was good at art. His teacher showed us some of his work and we were shocked."

            "He is good at art." I smiled. "I think it's a good outlet for him." I told him and Harry glanced over to me.

            "I need to ask because he's my son." He started. "What are your plans with him?"


            "Because you know probably better than I do how he was treated. He cares about you a lot and I need to be reassured you won't hurt him. He won't be able to handle it." He told me and I gulped.

            "I do love Albus. A whole lot Harry. I would never dream of hurting him and I would never forgive myself if I did. I was attracted to him from the start of seeing him on the news. He looked so innocent and just so vulnerable." I informed him. "And I knew from then on that he needed to be found. I wanted to be the one who did it because I felt as if I were connected to him in some way." I explained and Harry let out a breath.

            "I'm really happy to hear you say that. We already think of you as part of the family and we'd be devastated if you weren't in our lives anymore." He told me and I smiled.

            "Well I love you all like my second family and my parents just adore you and Ginny. They've been talking about you guys since my birthday.  'We should invite them over more often' 'Harry seems like my kind of guy' 'Ginny is a housewife just like me, we should do lunch.'" I mocked and Harry barked out a laugh.

            "That's funny. You sound like your father. Ginny and I were saying the same thing about your parents. They're lovely people."

            "I guess." I shrugged and he smiled. We pulled into an almost empty parking lot and parked in front of the school.  We got out of the car and walked into the building together. It was a simple school, not many things in the hallway and I followed Harry into the main office

            "Mister Potter." The secretary gasped.

            "Hello Doris." He greeted. "Mister Connelly wanted to see me." He told her and she nodded. She glanced over to me so I looked at my feet.  "This is Albus' er.... Boyfriend." Harry introduced us so I looked up.

            "Boyfriend?" She quirked an eyebrow.

            "Yes we are dating." I told her and stuck out my hand. "I'm called Scorpius."

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