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Harry's P.O.V

Albus woke up around noon and from the moment he did, he went ballistic. First he panicked because he was in a bed. He then threw himself on the floor. When I tried telling him it was okay, he flinched and cowered into a ball. Then he moved to the corner of his room and started to rock back and forth. He hadn't said a word since we found him. Just cried out and whimpered when anyone went near him. Ginny had to go to a different room because it was too hard on her. She just wanted Albus, the fun loving child he once was, back.

"Albus, come on." He was concerned so I kneeled next to him. He curled into a tight ball and started to sniffle. "It's okay Albus, it'll be okay." I assured. I reached out and touched his hair. He jerked back and cried out. My throat started to constrict and I had to hold back the tears. "Please come out Albus." I begged. He shook his head from what I saw and started to tremble. I was going to kill who ever who made my child this way very slowly.

"Oh sorry, is this a bad time?" The familiar voice asked. I looked and it was Scorpius. Just as I was going to answer, Albus' head snapped up. He saw Scorpius and whimpered out. "Hey there Albus, what's going on bud?" Scorpius spoke softly. Albus, faster than lightening, crawled to Scorpius and hugged his legs. He buried his face into his thighs and let out a sigh. "Albus you need to get back into bed." Scorpius told him and from what I saw, Albus' hands tightened on him. I saw Scorpius wince slightly but he threaded his fingers in Albus' locks. His hair had grown out immensely. His was just about down to his shoulders and was very messy.

"He's scared." I told Scorpius.

"Hey Albus, there's no need to be scared. How about I pick you up and put you back in bed?" He asked but Albus didn't relent. Scorpius sighed and placed his hands on Albus' shoulders. Albus cried out but when Scorpius left them there, Albus stood up and allowed Scorpius to lift him. Scorpius lifted him bridal style and then walked over to the bed where he placed him down. Albus hid his face and held Scorpius' hand in his under his body. "Has he spoken at all?"

"No." I sighed and rested back in a chair. "No even a word. Not no, yes, help... nothing." I told him and then closed my eyes. "The doctors told me that they can't keep him sedated because they don't what's wrong with his mental status." I explained to Scorpius. "It's nice of you to come. It seems like he enjoys your company." I told him with a small smile. Albus shifted closer to Scorpius who reached out and gently ran a hand through the locks again.
"He'll talk sooner or later." Scorpius assured me and I nodded. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Well I was thinking about it. And I wasn't exactly sure how far away the gas station was." He told me. "So how far away were you?"

"It was a few towns over. We had about half an hour to get home." I told him. "I know what you're thinking, we had cops checking the area. And no, we were the only ones at the gas station." I explained to him and he looked down at Albus. I couldn't see but it looked like Albus had looked up. Scorpius smiled softly at Albus.

"Well he came out of the woods so wherever he was, he needed to be near or in the woods."

"They have cops checking the area now. I'm sure you'll be questioned soon." I told him and he sighed. He looked back down at Albus then to me.

"Um." He said awkwardly. "What will I have to say?"

"Just what happened." I clarified. "But you're a minor so you can have a parent in there with you if you want."

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