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Scorpius' P.O.V

          Early Monday morning I walked out of my house and I was gonna skate to the school when I saw another boy walking out of the Potter's house. He saw me and walked over to me.

            "You're Scorpius right?" He asked.

            "Yeah, who are you?" I asked.

            "I'm James, mum told me that there was a guy who moved in next door around my age." He explained.

            "Oh hi."

            "So you wanna walk to school together?" He asked and I shrugged.

            "Yeah sure." I put my skateboard down and we started down the road.

            "So do you like it here so far?" He asked.

            "Yeah the neighborhood is very nice. How about you? Do you like it here?" I asked.

            "Yeah it's a cool place. School is cool too. Are you gonna miss your friends from your other school? I reckon you can just drive to see them."           

            "Oh no. I didn't have any friends at school." I told him and he looked at me.

            "Why's that?"

            "I just didn't like school so I figured I didn't want to associate with anyone." I explained to him with a shrug.

            "Oh that's kind of depressing. And you're an only child?" He asked and I nodded. "So you must be lonely."

            "Nah I mean... I'm okay being alone."

            "Hmm." He hummed. "How about I be your first friend then?" He asked.

            "Sure." I laughed. "I guess I can start making friends."

            "That's the spirit." He told me and I grinned. We hung a left and then a right.

            "So how are you doing James?" I asked and he sighed sadly.

            "I guess alright. It's been hard. Mum's crying a lot and dad is always out hoping to find him or something."

            "I'm sorry." I muttered.

            "It's not your fault. I just hope that somewhere he's alive and hopefully gonna come home soon." He told me and I grinned.

            "I'm sure he will." I squeezed his shoulder and he nodded. We stopped in front of a building.            

            "Well we're here. I'll show you the office." He told me and we walked in. Kids flooded the halls and he grabbed my arm. "It gets a little crowded here. Here's the office." He told me and I nodded.

            "Um thanks."

            "Don't mention it. I'll see you later, yeah?" He asked.

            "Yeah sure." I nodded and then walked into the office. I walked up to the secretary and she smiled at me.

            "What can I do for you dear?" She questioned.

            "I'm a new student and I need my schedule." I told her.

            "What's your name?"

Small Spaces (Scorbus) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now