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Third Person P.O.V

Finally after two months of his return home, Albus was visibly getting better. He worked on sentences and his words with Ginny. Harry went back to work a month early which he was happy about. It wasn't that he didn't like staying home, he did, but he was distressed and getting bored being home all the time.

Another up for Albus was he allowed Ginny to cut his hair, with Scorpius in the room of course, and he gained some weight that he lost. He still hadn't left the house, his anxiety was still high, but he did go outside a lot of time. He'd draw or sketch or sometimes even color. Sure it was cold with it being winter but he liked to sit on the chair and just sketch. Scorpius would frequently sit with him and even if the boy didn't talk to him, he liked his presence.

"Albus." Scorpius spoke. Albus looked up from his sketch.

"Y-yes, S-Scorpius?" He asked. The boy still had a stutter but he was speaking clearer.

"Wanna go in the house and have some hot chocolate?" He asked and he nodded.

"Y-yes." He told him. He got up and closed his sketch book.

"What are you sketching anyway?" He asked Albus as they started to go in through the kitchen.

"You." He told Scorpius.

"Really? Can I see?" Scorpius asked ginning but Albus shook his head.

"N-not d-done." He told Scorpius. "H-have to w-wait." He told Scorpius then grinned cheekily. Scorpius gaped at him and then pouted. "D-do not p-pout." Albus told him.

"I wanna see." Scorpius crossed his arms. They were standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"L-later." Albus promised shedding his coat.

"Fine." Scorpius muttered.

"I-I'll f-find mum." Albus told the older boy. He walked into the living room.

"Oh hi Al, what's wrong?" She asked.

"C-can w-we have h...hot c-coco?" He stuttered to his mum.

"Oh sure." She walked in with Albus and he sat down. She walked over to the stove. "Your father should be home soon. He told me that he's gonna pick up Lily from her basketball practice then pick up something for dinner."

"O-okay, c...can S-Scorpius s-stay?" Albus asked his mother. She smiled and nodded her head.

"If Scorpius is allowed." Ginny told him so Albus looked at Scorpius.

"Mum and dad are going out to celebrate their anniversary. They got the hint to go alone. D'ya mind?" He asked. "Cause if you do, I can go back home and make something."

"Not at all. You know we love having you here." Ginny smiled and Scorpius smiled.

"I-I l...love h-havin' you." Albus told him and Scorpius grabbed Albus' hand.

"I love being around you too." Scorpius told him honestly. The water on the stove went off so Ginny poured it into the mugs with the instant hot chocolate. She added a drop of milk to each and then stirred.

"Do you want some marshmallows?" She asked.

"Y-yes." Albus spoke up.

"Yes what?" Ginny asked and he opened his mouth. He blinked a few times before finishing his sentence,

Small Spaces (Scorbus) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now