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Harry's P.O.V

          Easter day we'd be going to Ginny's parents' house and it was the first time Albus would be seeing the whole family in eight months. He had already seen Molly a few times since the first time he went to the café. He was so excited when he got home that day; he was literally bouncing up and down telling us he saw his grandmother. He also mentioned that Scorpius left a tip that was more than the actual amount. This made him really happy that he found someone who treated his family well.

            My phone started to ring so I pulled it out of my trouser pocket.

             "Hello?" I answered.

            "He was sentenced today." Chris' voice rang out.

            "I know." I replied. "How long?"

            "Are you sitting?"

            "Should I be?" I asked and I felt Ginny embrace me from behind. 

            "Harry since he was the son of a detective and a teacher, they want to make sure he really doesn't do this to anyone else. He was given life without parole." He told me and I let a surprised sob.

            "Yeah?" I sniveled.

            "Yeah. He won't be getting out Harry. You don't have to worry about him anymore." He told me and I swallowed hard. Ginny hugged me tighter and I wiped my eyes.

            "Thank you Chris, for everything." I told him.

            "It wasn't just me Harry. But you are very welcome. Have a good Easter, okay? Give Albus and your wife my regards." He told me and I took a deep breath.

            "I will and same goes to you. Bye Chris."

            "Bye Harry." We hung up and I turned so Ginny was hugging me from the front.

            "What's the verdict?" She asked me. She gently placed her head on my shoulder and I ran a hand through her red locks.

            "Life without parole." I told her and she looked up.

            "What?" She gasped.

            "He's gone. Out of our lives forever." I told her and she threw her arms around me. She kissed me and I smiled kissing her back.

            "Um." We heard so we pulled apart. James was standing in the doorway of our bedroom.

            "James, he's got life. He won't be getting out." Ginny told him and he blinked at us a few times before smiling widely.

            "Seriously?" He asked and I nodded.

            "Seriously." I told him and he ran over to us. He hugged us tightly and then kissed both of our cheeks.

            "That's amazing!" He shouted. "I'll go tell Scorpius. He's been bullocks crazy all morning." He told us and then scampered out of our room. We laughed and intertwined our hands leaving to go find Albus.

            He was in his room dressed nicely in a pink button down with a striped pink tie. His pants were a black dress pants and his shoes were a subtle dark brown

            "Aww look at my handsome man." Ginny cooed and Albus flushed.

            "I feel w-weird." He told us. "I-I'm not used to d-dress clothes." He told us and Ginny chuckled.

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